Immediate Initative/Opportunity

Help Us Provide Two Wells for Clean Drinking Water

Well… we have a deep calling to provide clean water to a tribe that desperately needs it. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to provide two wells at a cost of $10,500 each. (Please call David at 425-319-1415 with any questions.)


How We Broker Your Blessing



Through rigorous research, scouting and vetting we initiate special projects to reach the most desperate individuals with loving care, kindness, and provisions to alleviate their need.



We shepherd special projects from the planning and execution process to insure that the Kingdom Investments you’re making are safeguarded from waste and abuse.



When you Partner to bless an individual, family, or community through our well-managed initiatives for a special project, we provide a full report of your Kingdom Investment with narrative detail and photographic evidence.

Copy of Uganda1

Immediate Initative/Opportunity

Help Us Provide Two Wells for Clean Drinking Water