Romans: Introduction

Expositional Commentary

Paul’s Epistle to the Roman Believers

The Book of Romans is considered the most profound piece of writing in existence. The Theme is the GRACE OF GOD REVEALED. We are told of God’s Righteousness, our iniquity (sin) and God’s gracious solution (remedy) through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our redemption (Salvation). This is God’s GRACE. This epistle’s impact on western civilization is unequaled. Our entire culture is influenced by the Truth of this epistle. Romans is the cornerstone of the Reformation. We discover exactly who we are ~ sinners ~ why we need SALVATION ~ we are dead in spirit ~; how salvation is provided and how we obtain it in our personal lives. We also learn that salvation is only the beginning ~ SANCTIFICATION then becomes our lifelong goal. We learn what it is and how we obtain it, day by day.

Jesus was anti-religious. Religion is man’s attempt to appease God – somehow. True Christianity is not a religion, but The Way of life. Jesus said “I am The Way, The Truth and The Life” We live as followers of The Way, Truth & Life; in Jesus Christ.

This Book of Romans, as we call it, was addressed to the ‘saints’ in Rome. These people were Believers, they had confessed theirs sins, repented of their sins, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There were approximately 28 “house churches” where Believers met, studied and shared God’s Truth of the Gospel. Remember, the New Testament, as we know it, was still being written! Paul carefully and systematically explains what True salvation is all about, what it means in our lives and how to apply it daily. The Holy Spirit will teach us, through this book penned by Paul, what Sanctification is all about, and how we attain it. Romans has an international outlook; it applies to all Believers over all of history. It is a challenge for the wisest of all men, and will impact our lives for our eternal benefit for the rest of our lives, both here on earth and for all Eternity!

Before you begin this study, write down what you believe GRACE really is. Think about it carefully, and write down what it is and what it means to you. When we have completed this study; your understanding of GRACE will be vastly different. As we better understand God’s Grace, we become changed ~ metamorphoses ~ people; completely transformed in such a powerful way that we will become more and more like Jesus. Jesus tells us that we will be changed from ‘glory to glory’. We will bring glory to Jesus by our transformation or metamorphoses!!

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Eugene & Eleanor Tarman

Gene and Eleanor Tarman founded Live Forever Ministry to share the love of Jesus through a highly effective and impactful method. Through classes, seminars, and small group studies, Live Forever Ministry is touching many thousands of lives around the world. Together, Gene and Eleanor have modeled and methodically taught others to live generously by being a blessing while making an impact in the lives of the world’s “working poor.” While serving on the board of Blessing Broker®, Gene and Eleanor have inspired our ministry to carry on the legacy which they have forged. Your gift today will be used to bless the “working poor” and to equip others to do the same. May the multiplication factor of Gene’s love and hard work echo through eternity, bless heaven, and glorify our King, Jesus!

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