Chapter 1: POSITION.
Chapter 3: Mystery revealed!
We are already with and in Christ Jesus in the Heavenlies ~ All because of God’s incredible Love. God’s Mercy and Grace enable us to be forgiven and have His Power and Love in our very beings. With God’s Power coursing through us we can share His Love with a fallen and hurting world. We can serve Him with His own Power and Love.
Paul’s theme is Christ and the church, that’s us, the eternal plan of God to gather all things in Christ Jesus. This letter begins in eternity past and carries us to eternity future. The Mysteries are being revealed to us. Ephesians is Paul’s greatest word on the church, teaching us what the church is in the mind of God, and what it ought to be in practice before the eyes of men.
In the Old Testament, God revealed through prophecy His plan for the people of Israel: that He would establish them in their Kingdom when they received their Messiah, and then through Israel He would convert the Gentiles. God literally offered them the Kingdom! How? Through the ministry of John, the Baptist, yet the Jews allowed him to be killed. (Math. 3:2) Then through the ministry of Jesus, the Jews asked that He be killed! Then through the apostles and Stephen, whom the Jews themselves killed (see Acts 7:54-60).
Three very generous, repeated offers were made to Israel, but the nation rejected each one of them. They had rejected the Father, who had sent John; then they rejected the Son; and then they rejected the Holy Spirit, who was energizing the witnessing apostles. With the death of Stephen, the offers of the Kingdom ceased temporarily; the message went out to the Samaritans and the Gentiles (see Acts 8 and 10). Then, only Paul was saved miraculously. (Acts 9)
Paul tells us that it is for this very reason ~ the fact that we as Believers are being completely transformed into a Holy Temple known as the ‘Body of Jesus Christ’. That he, Paul, is a prisoner. We ARE His! We belong to Him. He will keep us safe in His Powerful, forgiving Love. Nothing and no one can ever touch us. Think of it, you and I are being protected, guided, and directed by the Creator of the Universe. As we make daily choices to obey the Holy Spirit we are metamorphosed, that is, transfigured, into the real person we were meant to be. (2 Cor. 3:18). Just as Jesus was transfigured or metamorphosed, on the holy mountain before Peter, James, and John; we too, are slowly becoming more and more like Jesus. The entire Body of Christ is being metamorphosed into one Holy Body of the Living Christ. Paul goes on to assure us that the reason he is a prisoner of Jesus Christ is because he teaches the Truth that we Gentiles Believers are becoming the Body of Christ, along with believing Jews. It is for this very reason that Paul was jailed. (See Acts 21:29) The Jews refused to accept the truth that Gentiles could become part of God’s chosen people. The very reason that Paul was brought to Rome, the reason he made an appeal to Caesar, was because of his preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. So, Paul wants us to understand that it is for us, you and I, that he had to suffer in prison. Yet, he is joyous because we ARE part of the Body of Jesus Christ.
Paul continues to share that he assumes that we have heard of the stewardship of God’s Grace that was entrusted to him to teach and share and encourage Gentiles to receive. All this was for our benefit. Are we good stewards of God’s Grace in sharing with those in need of His Love and Forgiveness? Someone cared enough about us to share God’s Mercy and Grace with us so we could become joint heirs with Jesus. We must do the same for other lost souls. To ignore this stewardship is to ignore God’s call on our lives. Are we ignoring and disobeying, Jesus? As we learn of God’s gracious Mercy and Grace in our lives, we are being called by God to share His Truth with others. Can you hear Him calling you?
This mystery and secret revelation were given directly to Paul from God. God touched Paul’s heart and mind in a special way so that he was able to comprehend and understand this incredible mystery. Paul reminds them that he had briefly revealed this direct revelation in an earlier letter to the Ephesians. (4. – 5.) Paul refers to the insight and understanding of the Mystery of Christ Jesus. There are twelve Kingdom Mysteries:
- Mystery of the Kingdom of God.
- Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Mystery of the Manifestation of God in the Flesh.
- Mystery of Salvation by Faith alone.
- Mystery of the Ultimate Unity.
- Mystery of Gentiles in the Body of Christ.
- Mystery of the Bride of Christ.
- The Mystery of the Harpazo ~ Rapture.
- Mystery of Iniquity.
- Mystery of the Seven Churches.
- Mystery of Israel’s Blindness.
- Mystery Babylon; the counterfeit kingdom.
This Mystery was never disclosed to human beings, or angels, in past generations. It has only now been revealed by the Holy Spirit to God’s faithful apostles and prophets.
What exactly is this Mystery? Jews and Gentiles are to be fellow heirs of Christ. How? Jews and Gentiles, together becoming the’ Body of Christ’. All true Believers are part of the Body of Christ and are joint partakers in the same divine promise in Christ through their acceptance of the Mercy and Grace of the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus said this mystery was even hidden from angels. The Church, being called out to be a people for the heavens, to be the Body and Bride of Christ for all the ages to come. Jesus will forever administer the affairs of the redeemed universe through those He has chosen. Do you want to be one of those He rewards with such unbelievable privileges? Then you must obey Him now! The rewards are out of this world!
This Mystery of the Body of Christ was unknown even to the 12 apostles. Remember even Peter had to have the vision of the sheet from Heaven (Acts 10) to teach him that the truth of the Gospel was to be shared with Gentiles. Yet, even then, he didn’t understand that the Gentiles were to be fellow heirs with Christ Jesus. This Truth of the Body of Christ being ALL Believers, both Jews and Gentiles slowly began to dawn on the early Church.
In Ephesians 1:3 we learned the Church was promised the Spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. We are the promised Bride of Christ. The Church will reign with Christ over the entire universe. (Eph 1:22-23) The promises for Israel are still coming. Yet the promises for the Church are unique. We are the most privileged body of Believers that we read about in the entire Bible! Do not take your calling lightly, this is an incredible privilege and blessing from our Savior and Lord. How long will this opportunity last? God has given us the answers:
- The Church came into existence after the ascension of Jesus (Acts 2).
- The Church was formed by the baptism of the Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:13).
- The Church will be completed at the Rapture.
(1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:23, 51-52.) - The Church was the revelation of Jesus, (Math. 13) By His seven letters (Rev. 2 & 3); and Paul’s seven churches.
Please be aware that the Church is NOT a replacement of Israel. We are a separate fellowship created by God to serve Jesus as His Body and Glorify God, forever. In Revelation, the 24 elders of Rev. 4:4 represent a completed group. They are NOT the Tribulation saints (see Rev. 7:13, 14), Nor are they angels. (See Rev. 7:11) Note that Elders were to be the highest officials in the Church. Thus, the logical references are that these ‘Elders’ represent the Church in Heaven.
Paul tells us that he was made a minister of the Gospel of Jesus; this revealing of the Mystery of the Body of Christ, by the free gift of God’s Grace. This gift was given to Paul through, and by, the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul wants his readers to understand that this gift was unearned and undeserved.
Paul goes on to tell us that he is the very least of all the saints, that is, God’s consecrated people. Paul always had the memory of his persecutions of the Church. As one understands the deep truths of God’s Word, it never gives a person a ‘big head’; instead, it gives one a broken and contrite heart; deep sorrow of sin, and total dependence on the Holy Spirit. This grace, the privilege and favor of God, was granted and graciously entrusted to Paul to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ Jesus. The unbelievable wealth that no human being could have ever discovered or searched out and found.
Paul continues to tell us that this mystery is given to enlighten all men (believers) and make plain to them what is the plan regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men, no matter who they are. Christianity is the fairest way to God. Think about it, Everyone is invited. Everyone can accept. Everyone can meet the requirements. All religions have requirements that demand certain actions. One must earn their way to God. Not Christianity, it is a free gift! In a very unfair world, Christianity becomes the fairest way to God. Those who say Christianity is exclusive and narrow-minded have not examined the Truth. Or, they have seen the Truth, and rejected it. Paul tells us this mystery of the salvation of all men was kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in the mind of God Who created all things by Christ Jesus.
The purpose is that through the Church, the complicated many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. The angels rejoice at the repentance of one lost sinner (Luke 15;10). Angels watch activities of local churches (1 Cor. 11:10). We are a spectacle to angels (1Corth. 4:9). Think about it, supposedly ‘intelligent’ men scorn the salvation offered by Jesus, and all that He promises us; yet the highest intelligences regard it with profound interest. Who is really ‘intelligent’ here? God, from the very beginning, intended to give us all equal opportunity, yet He concealed it for centuries; now revealing it in the Church age through Paul.
All of these Truths are given to us so that we may know and understand God’s wonderful Eternal plan for us as His Body of Believers. God’s purposes are eternal and timeless. Satan knows the scriptures and God kept His program for the church hidden so that He could prevent Satan from hindering His Plan. Satan took Christ to the cross and sealed his own doom. More glory has come to God and more blessing has come to believing Jews and Gentiles than if sin had never been allowed to enter. We must remember that the church is unique and has special functions. Everything we have learned, through the Holy Spirit, must be obediently applied to our lives in accordance with God’s Eternal Will. All of life, everything that happens to us, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, is all being carried into effect through and in Christ Jesus, our Lord, God and Savior. Remember, everything counts. ALL we do, say and think will be judged.
Jesus has graciously given us Faith in Him that allows us to have courage and confidence in approaching God in prayer. We have free access to God with complete and total freedom. Grace gives us the freedom to seek and obey our Creator. All this is because the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Notice the focus on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit throughout these passages.
What an incredible statement! Paul asked them not to give up or lose heart because of his suffering; yet he insisted that the suffering on their behalf would bring honor to them. This is an important lesson for us that God uses suffering to bring about honor.
Paul told them that he was on his knees before the Father, because of this plan. The plan of building all of us together in Christ Jesus; that is, the Body of Christ. When we go to our Father, on our knees, it puts us into a humble position of acknowledging our true position before our Creator. He is our Lord, God, King and Creator; we are merely His Workmanship. Note that even Jesus fell on His face at Gethsemane. (Matt. 26:39).
Paul prays for the entire saved family of God. That includes all believers on earth that are called by His name. There is no such thing in Scripture as the “Universal Fatherhood of God” that saves all men. Jesus said, “You must be born again” (John 3:7). True believers are sons of God by their rebirth. (1 John 3:1-2, John 1:11-12). Non-believers are NOT children of God!
Paul prays that from God’s magnificent glory, God would strengthen and empower the inner man. The presence of the Holy Spirit is proof of our salvation. Our ‘inner man’ is our soul (personality and character traits, who we are) and spirit, which is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We must pray for right choices to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit so that we would be strengthened and encouraged and empowered within our soul and spirit. The Power of the Spirit is enablement for mature, stable, intelligent, obedient Christians. (Acts 1:8) Our inner man must be cleansed (Psalm 51:7), washed by the Word (Eph. 5:26), fed (Matt. 4:4) and renewed daily (2 Cor. 4:16.) There are many other references that tell us our ‘inner man’ must be carefully kept in God’s Word and Will.
May Jesus Christ, through Faith, dwell and abide; make His permanent home, in your hearts. We must be rooted and grounded in His Love; that is, firmly and permanently established in Christ Jesus. Are you so firmly established in Faith that NOTHING will derail you from following Christ? If not, then pray for that kind of powerful FAITH!
How secure and firmly established in God’s Love are you? So permanently that you may have the Power and be strong enough to apprehend and grasp and understand, with all the saints of God, the actual experience of God’s love in all its breadth, length, height, and depth. It is one thing to understand something, yet another to truly make it your own. Is God’s love so firmly established in your being that you cannot be separated from it? That Love has breadth, meaning great extent; length, referring to duration beyond our time frame; depth, meaning the deep things of God, reaching beyond our comprehension; height, referring to the ‘heavenly heights’, Eternal life as an heir of God. Can you begin to grasp the idea of God’s incredible powerful Love?
Paul prays that we might really and truly come to know, experience for ourselves, all the dimensions, into infinity, of the glorious Love of God. This love surpasses mere knowledge (passes all human understanding) without personal experience; that we might be filled throughout our entire being unto all the fullness of God. That we would have the richest measure of God’s divine Presence and become a body wholly filled and completely flooded with God Himself. When God permeates every part of our being, then, and only then, does His Will becomes our will. We can only function successfully within His perfect will. This would mean we cannot sin because sin is being outside of God’s Will. Don’t we really want that kind of love to transform us into His child?
Now Paul wraps up this incredible ‘prayer’, by assuring us that ‘Him’, God our Father, Who by His action within us, The Holy Spirit, who is constantly and continually at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and plans, to superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare even ask or think; infinitely beyond our wildest and highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams. ~ to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever, throughout all eternity. Amen; meaning and so it shall be fulfilled.
Memorizing this prayer, given in Ephesians 3: 16-21, would be a powerful way to incorporate God’s very Word, and Promises into your own life. (A copy is enclosed for you to help you put it into the memory of your heart and soul) Those who have memorized these scriptures, and daily pray them into their lives, and the lives of those they love, have experienced wonderful Blessings! God has wonderful Blessings just waiting for you; yet YOU must make the effort to seek and ask.
Lord, God we thank you for your great Love, that strengthens us with your mighty power, within our inner man, through your Holy Spirit, so Jesus Christ can dwell within us, permanently. Almighty and Powerful God, we thank you that even now you are transforming us into the likeness of your beloved Son, our Messiah, Jesus!
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