Chapter Summary:
- We Believers have been called to be God’s children only by His Grace.
- We have been raised from the dead and reconciled to God!
- Christ is victorious over Satan.
- We are called to live in Love and unity.
THEREFORE, as beloved, forgiven children of God, we are to be followers, that is imitators, of Jesus Christ. How are we to be followers? As Jesus forgave us, we are to forgive others, in the same way. What way? Merciful, graciously, completely ~ even when they don’t deserve forgiveness! Difficult? Yes. Yet God loves us just as He loves His Son, Jesus. So then, we must love in the same way ~ forgiving others; that is true love. Remember, Love is NOT an ‘emotional feeling’, true Love is a CHOICE. God chose to Love us, and we must make a choice to Love others, whether we “feel” like it or not.
Walk in Love; meaning we live a life totally immersed in God’s Love. As we receive His wonderous sacrificial, forgiving Love into our own lives, we are then able to love others with a ‘sacrificial love’. Are you loving with ‘sacrificial Love’, or just plain ‘human love’? Jesus gave Himself for us, He died on the cross to give us His sacrificial Love. Pray and ask God how to love others, especially family, with sacrificial Love. Remember, Jesus never asked for anything back for His Love ~ He gave it to us. If you expect “something back” for your Love, it is not True Godly Love, it is just plain selfish human love.
But, (whenever we see this word, it is usually a warning, or admonition), immorality and all impurity, that is, lustful, wasteful living; or any selfishness or greediness, must not even be thought of you as you are the saints of God. Our lives, thoughts and actions must reflect pure, holy, generous, and Loving lives. If we are True followers of Jesus, our lives will testify of Him. St. Francis of Assisi said: “Preach Jesus, and if you must, use words”; meaning our lives should reflect Jesus in everything we do and say, even our tone of voice and smile should be honoring to Jesus.
Paul goes on to warn us that our very speech should constantly be grounded in obedience to Jesus. We are told to avoid any filthy, obscene, indecent words or speech. Never speaking sinful or silly and corrupt speech. Our speech should be continually thankful and appreciative of our blessings from God. When we thank God for His Love and protection, we naturally avoid complaining and grumbling.
Be certain of this Truth: No whoremonger, that is anyone who practices sexual impurity in their thoughts or acts; no covetous person, who is also an idolater, lusting after, and desiring for the possessions of others, having a greedy attitude; will ever have any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Notice that it refers to ‘inheritance’ in the kingdom. A Believer who falls into this type of sin(s) will lose their inheritance! Only by being completely satisfied with what God has given us can we avoid covetousness. These two sins are often tied together: impurity and covetousness ~ and both point to us as idolaters. Why? Because we worship the creation rather than the Creator! (See Romans 1:25) A True Believer demonstrates the reality of his Faith in Christ Jesus by his obedient life. There are many professors of Christianity, yet few Possessors of Christianity. Are you just a Professor or a True Possessor?
Men call immorality a ‘sickness’, yet God clearly calls it sin. Men condone immorality, yet God condemns it. Man’s answer is psychoanalysis; yet God insists only regeneration, through His forgiveness, can remove sin. Sadly, in our world today, evil people even promote immorality.
The world tries to deceive us regarding impurity. Yet Paul tells us that because of ‘these things’ comes the wrath of God upon those who disobey. Men insist that immorality is just a ‘sickness’; or worse, that it is o.k.; yet God consistently tells us it is a terrible sin. Men often condone immorality, yet God always condemns it. Man’s answer is psychoanalysis, or just ignore it; yet God insists only regeneration can remove sin. Sexual sin slowly destroys our very soul and identity. Notice that God caused 24,000 men to be slain in Numbers 25:1-9 because of fornication. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. Venereal disease: AIDS, etc. are all the results of sin; and perhaps, God’s judgments. (See Rom. 1:27; Heb. 13:4; Rev. 21:8)
Therefore, Paul warns them, and us, not to indulge ourselves, as unbelievers do, in any of these sins. Avoid sin, stay away from sin, run from sin; Paul uses many terms to give us ample warning. The Truth is that the only way to stay FREE FROM SIN is to AVOID IT! When we commit sin as a Believer, we dishonor the name of Jesus; it wrecks and ruins our lives and our testimony and invites retribution and punishment. We harm ourselves, our family, friends, and even the body of Christ, in ways that we do not even know. Have nothing to do with any kind of evil!
Paul now reminds us that we were once trapped in darkness. But now we are freed from the power of sin and are in God’s Light and Truth. Since we are in His light, we must live our lives as children of light. We know that Jesus lives with us (since we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit). Since God is with us 100% of the time, then simple reasoning will tell us He knows everything we think, do, and speak. So why not seek His direction in EVERYTHING. Those who say, “I don’t want to bother God with petty things.” have no concept of Who God is. He is everywhere, all the time, so how can you “bother” Him? Simple, you can’t. God is listening 24 hours a day for us to call on Him. Can you go before God too much? Of course not! Begin your day with God when you first wake up. All life should be a prayer. Pray all day long. Every second you decide it should be in the Will of God. Pray first, then speak or act. Pray as you go about your routine activities seeking God’s direction, wisdom, and guidance. The more you focus on God, the more certain you will be of staying in His Will.
Now Paul begins another dissertation on the Fruit of the Spirit ~ The RESULT of living as children of Light!
For the Fruit of the Spirit of living in the Light of God’s Word, is GOODNESS: an inclusive term for all moral excellence; RIGHTEOUSNESS: having integrity in all our dealings with God and men; TRUTH: Honesty, integrity, and reality. Our word and deeds always become one. Do you keep your word? Always? No? Why not? (See Matt. 5:16; and John 3:20-21)
Our very lives must prove what is right and acceptable to our Lord and Savior. Do we seek to live in a way, day by day, moment by moment, that is pleasing to Jesus? We must learn to be constant and continuous proofs of what is good and righteous. Before planning anything, ask Jesus what He thinks of your plans? Perhaps we need to seek His guidance and direction before plunging ahead with “our wills” instead of seeking “His Will”.
NEVER, NEVER compromise yourself and have any fellowship with the deeds and works of evil; unrighteousness, referred to as “acts of darkness”. Instead, let your life be such a contrast that it serves to expose, reprove and convict those who do evil. Will we be attacked by slander and mean actions? Of course. Jesus was persecuted, and He warned us that we would also suffer and be persecuted for the kingdom of God, IF we were true Believers. Yet, Jesus said to “Rejoice, and be glad, for your reward in Heaven is great!”. (See Matt. 5;11-14) It is even a shame to speak of the evil things unbelievers do in secret and darkness. The end result of such actions is eternal death.
Light always exposes evil. If there is no light, one cannot see what is wrong. Where things are clear and visible, then there is light. So, the Light of God makes things clear to us. If we turn off the lights, we cannot see well enough to function. Could one stumble around in the dark and not expect to run into trouble? We NEED the Light of God’s Word to help us see God’s Truth. Therefore, Wake Up Sleepyheads! Get with it! Seize the day and make the most of the opportunity for our King, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 60:1)
Be very careful how you walk; that is, how you live your lives. Live with precision and accuracy, seeking proper guidance and intelligent forethought so as to seek and do the Will of God. Seek wisdom from God’s Word. He will answer those who diligently seek Him. Our generation is filled with people who tragically drift through life with no thought for their eternal destination. Carefully plan to use your time wisely. Time is the most valuable treasure God has given us. We must not waste time; we must utilize it to the fullest. God warns us that the days are evil. Can you see why He told us in Psalm 90:12 “so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” We need godly wisdom, so we will be wise enough to fully exploit the opportunities God places before us. Paul was referring to the evil days of their times, yet we face those same evil days as we, as Christians, become increasingly “politically incorrect.”
We are warned to NEVER be careless or foolish or thoughtless about our lives; we are to seek to understand and obey the Will of God for our lives. How do we get the very best God has for us? Only by being in His Will ~ there is no other way! So many people are in some sort of a mess, begging God to help them out of the mess they themselves created, or allowed, by not being in His Will. (See Romans 12:1,2; James 1:5; Co. 1:9-10 and 3:15; Romans 8:28)
NEVER be drunk with wine (or under the influence of any other type of alcohol or drug) Yet, we are to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Remember, we are filled with the Holy Spirit as we seek to obey God’s Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brought us into the Body of Christ (1Corth. As:13) The Holy Spirit indwells us, giving us the power for holiness, worship, and service of our Lord. The Holy Spirit teaches us and seals us and continuously fills us and leads us on our transformation into the person God intends us to be. The more we empty ourselves of our selfish, sinful ways, the more the Holy Spirit can fill us with God’s wonderful perfect ways! We are on an exciting journey with the Holy Spirit, with the end result guaranteed to bring us to great joy and fulfillment.
Sharing with one another in the Body of Christ with spiritual songs and offering joyful praises to God. We are to praise God even in the midst of trials and tribulations. Difficult, yet possible, only with the help of the Holy Spirit. We must always give thanks to God for all things, all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must learn to be grateful to God and develop an attitude of gratitude. Remember, Gratitude comes from the same root word as Grace.
We must submit ourselves to one another out of love; the same kind of love that Jesus gives us. He submitted Himself humbly to all those He died for.
Now Paul goes on to detail the areas of how we must submit ourselves.
Wives, submit yourself to your husbands as a service to the Lord. When wives marry, they are ‘submitting’ themselves to their husbands. The wife must then submit who she is, and what her needs are, to her husband. He cannot read her mind; she needs to graciously let him know how she feels and what she needs from Him. At the same time, she must honor and respect her husband so as to honor and glorify God.
Husband are to be the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church; and Christ is the Savior of the Body. Christ provides for, protects, and cares for His church. So, also, the husband must provide for, protect, and care for his wife. Remember, she has submitted herself to his loving care.
Therefore, in the same manner that the church is subject to Christ, let the wives be subject to their husbands in every area. The Church seeks to know what God wants and to obey God’s directives and do what pleases Him; all the while knowing that God deeply loves His Church and provides for all its needs. So also, the wife will seek to know and understand her husband and do what pleases him, relying on him to love and provide for her needs. Notice that God doesn’t force the Church to obey Him, or demand that the Church do or act in a specific way. God graciously gave the Church freedom in serving Him in ways that bring joy and fulfillment. Husbands must treat their wives in this same way.
Husbands are COMMANDED to love their wives. In fact, husbands are to sacrificially love their wives, just as Christ loved the Church and sacrificed Himself and died for it! This is a very difficult command unless the wife chooses to honor and obey her husband. Even then, this is never easy.
Now Paul shifts in his comparison, to tell us that He, meaning Jesus Christ, might sanctify the Church and cleanse her by the washing of water with the Word of God. The very Word of God serves to cleanse us. Paul continues in his analogy to tell us that He, Jesus, intends to present the Church to Himself in glorious splendor, without any flaws or sins, so that she might be holy and righteous. These descriptions are used to identify the perfect Bride. Thus, Paul uses this analogy to present to his hearers that the Church is to be Christ’s Bride! This idea of the Church as the Bride of Christ is a new mystery revealed to the Ephesians.
In the same manner ~ now Paul shifts back to the duties of the husband ~ men, or husbands, ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. Husband and Wife are to be one flesh, thus the husband is to treat his wife as his own flesh. Obviously, no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes himself and cherishes himself, taking good care of himself. So, then the husband cares for his wife, in the same way the Lord takes care of His Church.
We, as Believers, are members of His body. We are somehow, mystically, the very Body of Christ on earth. For this very reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5, 6; Mark 10:8; 1 Corth. 6:16) etc. Paul says, “This is a great mystery, I speak concerning the relationship of Christ and the Church.” The perfect marriage should reflect the relationship of Christ and the Church:
MARRIAGE: New life is created through the union of husband and wife. This union is to meet life’s challenges; the family unit is the primary basis of a healthy society; God communicates His Truth through the Spiritual bond of marriage. When we are born again, we also become “New Life”. The Jews consider Marriage as being ‘born again’.
THE BODY OF CHRIST: Christ is head of the church; we are precious to Him (Eph. 5:25) We are His crown of glory, His jewels; He has great love for His Church (Phil 4:1;1 Thess. 2:8, etc.) ~ we are His Bride. (Rev. 21:2 – 22:17)
All through the Old Testament, the prophetic types of marriages all pointed to Christ and His Church. Even ancient marriages followed this prophecy: The marriage was arranged by the father (God the Father promised us to Jesus as His Bride); The Bridegroom was absent from the bride to build her a dwelling place, (Jesus said He would go and prepare a dwelling place for us) then the bridegroom was to take his bride suddenly and unexpectedly in the night; (The Rapture?) Then there was to be a seven-day marriage celebration (7 years?), It appears there will be seven years of tribulation on earth while the marriage supper of the Lamb is going on in Heaven. (Insights gleaned from Chuck Missler’s Countdown to Eternity.)
Nevertheless, let every one of you (husbands) love your wife so much, that it would seem to be the same as you love yourself; so that every one of you (wives) will honor, respect, praise, admire and love your husband exceedingly. (1 Peter 3:2)
Your husband is a gift from God, do you wives treat him that way? Your wife is also a precious gift from God, do you husbands treat her as God’s gift? Why not begin today by treating your spouse as a precious, wonderful gift from God! For ALL of us, including those who are unmarried, why not begin right now to treat others, especially friends and family, as though they are a gift from God!
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