Remember, just ‘learning’ God’s Word is NOT sufficient. We must sincerely and diligently APPLY it to our lives. As we continue our study, be careful to seek to know how YOU should apply God’s revealed Truths to your own life. Do you see any areas of sin that you need to work on?
Paul clarifies the distinction between a new Believer, a young child, and the mature Believer, who has studied God’s Word and carefully applied it to their life. The immature believer needs guidance and direction in order to learn and apply God’s Truth to their life. The Believer is “born again” yet must make an effort to mature in Christ. That new Believer is much like a young child, needing encouragement and protection. Thus, the heir is like a servant, being overseen by a guardian. Even though the Believer will eventually become a mature heir, in the beginning, they are like young children. The process of becoming mature and being transformed we know is sanctification. We are all on that journey from being immature to mature; from being disobedient to obedient; from just knowing Jesus is our Savior and Lord to discovering the unbelievable Grace of God through the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our part is to seek God with ALL our heart, soul, mind and spirit. As we honestly seek to obey God in all He reveals to us, we slowly mature and become sanctified, getting closer to glorification with Christ. When will that time be? The time set by God the Father: at our Rapture or passing from this life into Eternity.
Paul reminds us that as children, we are subject to the household rules. As slaves, or servants, they were kept under the rules and regulations of the Law. This bondage was to the worldly system. Paul uses this analogy to contrast their former position to their newfound freedom in Jesus. We should not be influenced or controlled by the worldly influences. We know better; we understand the eternal significance of all we do, say and even think. Our value system is based on what Jesus has revealed to us in His Word, not on the warped value system of our culture. Think about it, the world says: “Go for it! Get everything you can for yourself; you’re number one.” Advertisements all encourage selfishness; Me, I, Myself, Mine, My wants, desires. Selfishness, Greed, Envy, Deceit, Stealing, Lying, Immorality; all these evils are the result of Self-Pride. I, I, I. Changing our mindset and attitude of Selfishness to a Servant of God is not an instant change; it takes time and effort. We must work at obeying God and cooperating with the Holy Spirit to allow God to transform us into His Image.
At the exact perfect time, God sent His Son, Jesus, born of a woman, under the Law, to redeem and purchase our freedom. Jesus paid the ransom for us so that we might be adopted and become sons of God. God’s timing is perfect. We want God to hurry up or wait or meet our timetable or schedule. Yet He has everything in control on His perfect schedule. The predictions, or prophecies of the birth of the Messiah, Jesus, were given throughout all the Old Testament. All these predictions came true at the exact time foretold. This assures us that God is in control and His timing is perfect.
Note that two major accomplishments were completed by Jesus: 1. We were redeemed from the slavery of sin. 2. We are adopted as God’s children. Wow! Think of the double blessing. Just being freed from sin is life-transforming. But being promised to become children of God? Sanctification is the process that transforms us. Our rewards in Heaven are directly related to our cooperation with the Holy Spirit in our transformation. Jesus has wonderful rewards waiting for us, if only we will claim them by our obedience to His Holy Spirit. We can’t and don’t have to ‘earn’ our sanctification. The Holy Spirit will do it through us, if we will just let God be in control. Oh, it’s difficult to give up our illusion of control. We think we control our lives, yet in reality, God is in control. We struggle against God when we try to do it our way. When we pray, seeking God’s direction, guidance and wisdom, then we are given the insights so we may obey. Our choices are what confirm our obedience. Do we act like God’s children, or like children of the world? We respond to God as he is our loving Father, or Daddy, as Paul refers to the intimate personal name for God as Abba. You can easily tell if you are established and grounded as God’s child by your decisions. Think about it how do you respond during a crisis? Do you panic, experience fear and loss of control? Are you desperately seeking someone to rescue you? Or are you calm and praying for guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit, listening for clear insights and wisdom? Do you have Hope and Peace about the situation? You should IF you are firmly established and grounded in God’s Word. Secure in knowing God is in control, regardless of the circumstances. You decide by your choices to follow Jesus, no matter what. Be honest, how do you ACT?
So, in summary, we are no longer slaves to sin and to the world’s opinions and lies. We are heirs of the Kingdom of God, Children of the Father, our Creator, Savior, and Lord. When God calls us His Sons and Daughters; we are to reflect that Truth in our lives. When we dishonor God by disobeying His commands, we, in effect, blaspheme His Name! When we do not take the name of God seriously, we take His name in vain. We harm and dishonor our God and our fellow Believers when we act in a manner that follows the world rather than our Savior and Lord. See Romans 2:24 and 1 Timothy 6:1, etc. Note that many people erroneously believe that “taking God’s name in vain” simply means to curse; this is not True. Whenever we dishonor God, we dishonor His Name. As we discover these Truth’s, we begin to understand how the ten commandments were only the simplified Law. Jesus came to fulfill the Law and write it in our hearts so that our hearts would become new, ‘born again’ and seek His Truth, Love and Purity.
Remember, before you became a ‘born again’ Believer, you followed the gods of the world. Those gods are the worldly lusts and greed of materialism. Seeking and ‘worshiping’ things and self-gratification. Oh, I wish I could be like… look like… have like…; you fill in the blanks. (9.) Now you know the One True God; you are known and loved and redeemed by Him. So, how in the world can you turn back again to the worldly values, or Judaism, or paganism, or anything else, and become slaves to those weak and worthless things? The rules and regulation of Judaism were bondage and slavery, they were nothing compared to the Freedom and Truth they had in Christ.
Understanding that the Jews honored special days, months and years is crucial to their religion. The Galatians had begun to observe these special times, thinking that by doing so they could gain additional merit before God. This is adding ‘works’ to the work of Christ. No works can add to our justification, or our sanctification. Remember, the Sabbath day is Saturday. That was a day of rest for the Jews. Our Rest is in Christ, every single day! We now know that the True Sabbath Rest is always in Jesus. (See Hebrews 4:9; Matthew 11:28, etc.) Jesus is also our Firstfruits. (See John 12:23, etc.) And our Passover is Jesus. (See 1 Corinthian 5: 7, 8, etc.) All the special days of Judaism pointed to Jesus!
Paul nearly cries out: “Have I labored to the point of exhaustion for nothing!” You can almost hear his anguish as he exhorts them. Earlier he had said “Have you also suffered for nothing?” The warning against Legalism must be given over and over because we are all subject to those who would add “something” to the saving work of Christ. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, etc. Remember, JESUS + nothing = Eternal Salvation. Some ‘spiritual leaders’ sound good, and make great impressions and are very convincing; so, beware. Always check what they say and do against God’s Word. See 1 John 2 for warnings about those who claim to be Christians YET would lead you astray.
Paul passionately pleads with his Galatian Brothers to become as he is, free of the bondage of Jewish ritualism, ordinances, and laws. Paul tells them he had become like them, a ‘Gentile’ in his freedom from the restrictions of Judaism; as a true Believer, he was entirely free of Jewish law.
The last part of 12, “You did me no wrong”, actually belongs with verse 13. Not only did they not do any harm to Paul, instead they took him in and ministered to him as he, in turn, taught them of the wonderful news of Salvation and freedom in Jesus Christ. In fact, it was because Paul was so broken physically, so ill, that he remained with them until he had preached the entire gospel, Christ crucified, died, buried and risen, all for their forgiveness and restoration to God.
Paul reminds them that even though his physical condition was so bad they had to care for him, no one complained or treated him with contempt or scorn, nor did they loathe or reject him, but instead received him as if he were an angel of God, even as if he represented Christ Himself. (15.) Paul continues by asking them what happened to the Grace given blessings of satisfaction and enjoyment that they once had experienced? He reminds them that they were so concerned about his well-being that, if possible, they would have given him their very own eyes! This is true compassion and caring. In addition, they were very appreciative of Paul sharing the gospel with them and had even congratulated themselves that they were so blessed to have Paul teach them. Paul reminds them of all this to help them realize what they were doing. Sometimes people need to give us a ‘wake-up-call’ about where we are in our spiritual walk when we have fallen back into some sort of legalism.
Paul boldly asks them if he is now their enemy, just because he comes with the Truth. Paul tells the Truth and does not sugar coat it, nor water it down to spare their ‘feelings’. The Truth is too important to ever dilute or compromise. Only the whole Truth is really the Truth! Adding anything to the gospel makes it a LIE! We need to beware of subtle words or phrases that attempt to twist the Truth of the Gospel in ANY way.
Then Paul lays it on the line and in frank words tells them what the Judaizers are doing to them. They are ‘brainwashing’ them by trying to zealously court them, doing everything possible to influence them to consider their ‘gospel’. Paul assures them that their purpose is not honorable or worthy or for any good. They want to isolate them from those who oppose them. The Judaizers are trying to win them over to their side and get them to favor them over Paul’s teaching. Note that this is the exact way cults treat people when they try to brainwash them into believing their lies. Cults treat their victims like they are very special; showering them with lots of attention; drawing them into their ‘inner circles’; doing everything they can to isolate them from friends and family and other true Believers. The cult victims will often say, ‘but they like me so much, they can’t be bad!’. The Judaizers used flattery and deception to try to influence the Galatians to come under their control.
Paul assures them that it is always a fine thing to be zealously doing good; provided that it is for a good purpose and done by pure and honorable reasons; and not just when Paul is present. Paul wants them to have the same good concern for the truth of his message whether he is with them or away from them. (19.) Paul calls them his little children, tenderly assuring them that he is suffering pain like birth pangs of a mother suffering before the delivery of her child. He suffers in the same way in trying to deliver them from the false teachers. Then Paul says that he suffers for them until Jesus Christ is completely formed in their lives. This is the Sanctification of the Believer becoming like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can identify with this struggle to hear, understand and obey the Holy Spirit, so that we become the image of Christ. Jesus wants us to become like Him! Are YOU making that your life-long goal?
Paul longs to be with them in person so he can personally coax and enlighten them to return to their true belief in salvation by Christ alone. Paul states that he is fearful and perplexed about them. Paul knows that strong Believers would not be so easily persuaded to reject the Truth of Salvation by Christ alone.
Then Paul shifts again and says in effect, “If you really want to be under the Law, do you really understand what the Law says?” Now Paul gives them a quick and brief synopsis of the Jewish history and law. This is intended to help the Galatians to understand exactly what submitting to the law would bring them. He tells them Abraham had two sons one by a slave woman, Hagar, and one by a free woman, Sarah, (his lawful wife!)
The first son born of Hagar (a younger woman) was born according to the flesh, an ordinary birth; the son of the Sarah, (a woman way beyond childbearing age) was born in fulfillment of God’s promise. It was a miracle birth. According to Jewish law the status of the mother affected the status of her son. One was a slave son the other a free son, a fulfillment of God’s promise. (24.) These two women represent two covenants. One Covenant from Mt. Sinai, the Law. Hagar brought forth a slave-son. The law also brings us under slavery.
Paul now links Hagar and Mount Sinai; saying they are in the same category with the present Jerusalem, in bondage with all those under the Law. Jerusalem was enslaved to Rome and the Law. The reason the Jews were driven out of Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago was because “They knew not the time of their visitation.” See Luke 19:44. Jesus, Himself, gave us the reason! “We have no king but Caesar.” John 19:15. They rejected their Messiah! They even went so far as to proclaim: “His blood be on us and our children.” Matthew 27:25! This was such an important point, that it was spoken, but was not interpreted, in The Passion of The Christ, because of the outcry by the Jews. Most of the Jews remain the children of Hagar, in slavery to sin and death; yet after the Great Tribulation a day of repentance will come. For those who know an unbelieving Jew, who is willing to listen; pray that they would read Chapter 53 of Isaiah; Psalm 22: Psalm 69; the last three chapter of Zechariah; then read the Epistle to the Hebrews, the gospel of Matthew, and pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the Truth to them. Jesus is their Messiah! If YOU have not read these scriptures, please take the time to read and pray about them; these truths will change your heart and mind!
Sarah corresponds to the New Jerusalem, from above, the mother of all the children of Grace, a free gift of God. Our True home is not here on earth but in Heaven. We are citizens of Heaven! Paul then quotes from Isaiah and applies it to Sarah, the mother of the son of promise, the free son. The future children of Grace will be free from the slavery of sin and death.
Paul again calls them brothers and says we are born of the promise, like Isaac, not like Ishmael. Paul tells them that the child born from faithless connivance, Ishmael; persecuted and despised the son born of the promise. So just as Ishmael, the slave son, persecuted Isaac, the free son. So, it is today, that those who are slaves are persecuting you who are free in Jesus Christ. Notice how the harassment you are experiencing follows the same old pattern! Today we are experiencing the same persecution. The world wants to reject the Christians. We are marginalized; called names and called extremists, right-wingers, we are intolerant, claiming our Way is the only Way to God, unwilling to say that there are many ways to God. The world wants a world without Christians. God will eventually give them what they want.
Yet the Scripture tells us what to do! Cast out and send away the slave woman and her slave son. Never shall the slave son be heir with the free son. God will not give His inheritance to those who remain the slaves of sin and the law. God told Abraham to drive away Hagar and Ishmael; the slave was not to inherit the promise. The Galatians should then ‘drive away’ and reject the Judaizers and their attempt to subject them to the law. Jesus made it very clear; either we follow Him or the world; we cannot do both. We accept His free gift of Grace OR we choose our own selfish way, which leads to death, eternal death, known as the Second Death. Remember, we can’t have it both ways; we either chose to follow Jesus or Satan!
So, brothers, we know without a doubt that we who are born again are not children of a slave woman, (the natural), but we are children of the free woman. (The supernatural!) Seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit, to recognize those who seek to enslave you in any form of Legalism. Jesus already paid an unbelievable cost for our freedom! Don’t let the lies of unbelievers wrongly influence you!
As redeemed, adopted children of the Creator of the Universe, why would we ever even consider following the evil, selfish, FOOLISH ways of the World? Think about all you do, say, and even think, are you Truly Believing God? If so, you should be honoring Him in all your actions and thoughts.
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