History of Creation
The very phrase “In the beginning” lets us know that this is the very beginning of time as we understand it. Even Jesus confirmed that this was the “Beginning”. Matthew 19:4: “And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” John, the apostle, also confirms this Truth: John 1:1-3: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”
Further, God reveals in this very first verse of the Bible that the Creator/Designer of the heavens and Earth is God, Himself. John again confirms this Truth: John 1:3: “All things were made and came into existence through Him, and without Him nothing was made that has come into being.” In the Book of Acts 4:24, the Believers all say: “So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: ‘Lord, you are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them.’” We are also given this Truth in Hebrews 11:3: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Wow! We are given the absolute assurance that God created everything out of nothing!
Theories abound about the exact meaning of this description. Some Bibles say “The earth was without form and void.” Others say “…without form and an empty waste”. The Jewish Bible says “…unformed and void.” This last one seems most accurate, knowing that Plasma is unformed and void of properties that we can determine. We will not discuss unscriptural ‘theories’ and other ideas that have no other basis in the Word of God. There are those who believe that somehow God’s angel, Lucifer, and his followers, caused the void, or waste. There is nothing in the Word of God to substantiate this idea. We are not told exactly when, or how the angels rebelled. We do know, from scripture, that Lucifer led that rebellion. We know that the Angels witnessed the creation of the world because we read of God’s questions to Job in Job 38:4-7: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” The sons of God who shouted for joy were the Angels as they observed God creating the heavens and earth! Notice that ALL the sons of God were joyous, thus it would seem apparent that sin had not yet been committed.
Personally, I think Dr. Kent Hovind is correct. He believes that the term ‘without form’ and ‘void’ simply reveals to us the process God was using in creation. This makes perfect sense as Plasma is the basic source of atoms. He believes since God proclaimed everything as good throughout the entire six days of creation, that Lucifer had not yet fallen, as that would not have been good. This makes perfect sense. According to Ezekiel 28: 11-19: Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden, and was covered with all types and kinds of jewels, indicating he had great beauty and value. Lucifer is described as perfect, being the anointed cherub of God. In verse 15, we are told he was perfect until iniquity was found in him.
We really don’t know how long Adam and Eve were in the garden before they fell. It may have even been 100 years. We only know that Adam was 130 when Seth was born. Genesis 5:3.
Since we now know that matter exists in four states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. (Quantum physics deals with how matter exists and functions) Solid matter has a definite form. Liquid has a form that is fluid and takes the shape of the boundaries it is held in. We can see both solid and liquids. Gas has no form, yet can be contained (usually under pressure) within a container, or in the atmosphere (by gravity). Many gases we cannot see; Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc. Plasma has no form and cannot be contained by any method we know. Our sun is in all probability, Plasma. Plasma emits a great amount of energy. We receive the suns energy in the form of light and heat. Our earth might have been formed by God from the plasma He created. We just don’t know for certain exactly how God created anything. Yet, we can trust and believe and know that He DID create our Universe. The second part, darkness on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovering over the waters. This refers to the creation work of the Holy Spirit.
Now God speaks the very first recorded words: “Let there be light” and immediately there was light. We know that light dispels the darkness and reveals everything. This also begins God’s process of ‘Prophecy’. God speaks something and then it comes to pass. Some prophecy is immediate, such as the creation of Light. Other prophecy is fulfilled at a later time. This same pattern will be repeated throughout Genesis. We will see it in God’s creation and the foretelling of future events and fulfillment of God’s eternal plan for mankind. God’s Word is always fulfilled. God always keeps His promises! This is crucial to understanding God’s Word: His Word is accurately verified by the fact that future events predicted in His Word, always come into fulfillment, thereby giving us proof of the Truth of God’s Word! This is exciting, as we can absolutely know the Word of God is ALWAYS TRUE!
God tells us this “Light” is good; and that God divided the light from the darkness. How this was done is a mystery. We know that the absence of light is darkness. Since God IS Light, His presence must have brought the light. (Remember, the sun and moon had not yet been created.) (5.) We are told that God called the Light ‘Day’ and the darkness ‘Night’. Then we are told the day is divided by the evening and the morning. It is interesting that God identifies the day by the evening first, then the morning. We are also told this is the first day of Creation. Note that God must be the source of the Light as there is no other explanation for the Light.
This firmament is the atmosphere, our air and space. It divided the waters below from the waters above. We assume the waters below referred to water on and in the earth. The waters above may have referred to a suspended form of water encircling the earth, or very thick deep clouds that would have somehow let light through, or??
We really don’t know exactly what is meant, nor how it functioned. Obviously God created this for the best environment for earth. Dr. Kent Hovind believes it may have been some form of frozen water. This makes sense as at high altitudes the water would have been so cold it would have to have been in some frozen form, plus light could have traveled through an ice canopy. Notice that God created the firmament and then the process of dividing the waters; ‘and it was so’ tells us this was an immediate fulfillment of God’s Word. Once again, we see Prophecy fulfilled.
God now names the firmament ‘Heaven’. This is what we refer to as the ‘heaven above’ meaning the atmosphere surrounding earth. This act of creation again is identified as the evening and morning, being the second day of creation.
Now God ‘gathers’ the waters together under the heavens into one place and dry land appears. This would probably mean that on days one and two the entire earth was covered with water. The original sea created by being ‘gathered together’ was no doubt all fresh water. We know that each year the oceans become more salty as the rivers wash minerals into the ocean and evaporation removes the water, but not the minerals. The Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Dead Sea in Israel, are prime examples of water running into a lake; evaporation occurring, and the salt and minerals accumulating. For those who may question the fact that sea creatures now live in salt water, remember, thousands of years have passed since creation and each successive sea creature had ample time to ‘adapt’ to the changing environment. Just like you and I adapt to changes in our environment. Most of us in warm climates have a difficult time adapting to colder climates and vice versa. How God ‘gathered’ the waters together to allow dry land to appear is a mystery. Since it appears that it did not rain until the flood of Noah’s time, it may have been that God caused the waters to sink down in the soil and become underground pools of compressed water. These waters then slowly seeped back up to act as ‘springs’ to water the earth. There are still vast amounts of underground water still deep in the earth, so this may have been the situation. All of this just confirms the Truth that we will be learning of God’s Majesty and Glory forever.
Next God names our planet ‘Earth’ and the waters He called ‘Seas’. We still use these same terms today for our planet and the oceans. Again, God assures us that all of this is good. (11.) God now speaks and says “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth.” This amazing Creation clearly shows that each ‘kind’ is genetically designed to reproduce itself. Immediately God’s Word is fulfilled. Can you imagine what it would have been like to see the Creation being done, day by day? No wonder the Angels rejoiced!
We are again told the earth ‘brings forth’ everything according to its designed ‘kind’. God again tells us all of this is good. This statement of fact that all creatures are designed according to their kind, we now know refers to their DNA. The DNA design is embedded into their molecular structure and enables the living creature to reproduce offspring of the exact same kind. There is absolutely no record of any living creature reproducing anything except it’s own DNA structure. We have an excellent DVD that shows the scientific process of how this occurs. All of this scientifically proves evolution is a lie. Note that this lie was concocted to deny the existence of a Creator, who is God. Bank tellers NEVER study the fake bills, only the genuine. They know that appearance and characteristics of the genuine real bills so well that they can immediately spot the counterfeit bills. So it is with us, we will not study the counterfeit lies of evolution or any other false religion; we will study God’s Truth in His Word, and come to know it so well that we can spot the counterfeit lies of the devil and his demons immediately! This study you are working on will enable you to more easily detect the counterfeit lies of false religions and secular beliefs; thus helping you to know, without a doubt, what is True and what is a Lie.
This completes the next evening and morning, the third day. Notice that God doesn’t allow us to misunderstand anything, we are carefully told each evening and morning are another day, and God specifically tells us exactly which day of creation it is. Remember, God knew that men would someday claim that creation was “evolution” and that it took millions of years, not just exactly six literal days.
Now, the lights in the firmament of the heavens are spoken into existence by God. Even their functions are given to us, to divide the day from the night; and for signs and seasons and for days and years. (15.) These lights are to provide light on the earth. In addition, the sun provides both gravity and heat, necessary for the earth. The moon provides reflected light from the sun at night and also provides a gravitational pull that determines our tides. Immediately God’s spoken Word becomes a reality; proving to us that God’s Word is always Truth. We again see Prophecy being fulfilled.
Next God creates two great lights; the larger is to rule the day, and the smaller is to rule the night. He then creates all the stars. (17.) God places each of these lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light to the earth. This refers to the sun, moon and stars. Each one being placed exactly in the heavens as God designed. (18.) God tells us these lights are to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness. And again, all of these acts of creation are described as good.
The evening and morning are now the fourth day. God clearly tells us exactly what is done on each day, and what day it is. We can see a clear pattern of carefully organized planning done by God. God is precise, orderly and makes no mistakes. Yes, He is perfect, and everything He creates and designs is also perfect and good.
Now God creates ‘living creatures’ in the waters. He creates birds to fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens. If anyone wasn’t sure what the firmament is, it becomes crystal clear with this verse. Since this is the first mention of ‘living creatures’ we know that plants are not considered ‘living creatures’. Plants do not have the same attributes, nerves, feelings, reproduction, etc. that ‘living creatures’ do. Note that plants do not have, nor experience, any of the nervous functions that living creatures have.
God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves. These creatures are created in large abundance, all according to their kind. The same is true of all the winged birds, according to their kind. All of this God proclaims as good.
God does something new here. He ‘blesses’ the creatures telling them to ‘be fruitful’ and multiply’. God tells them to fill the waters in the seas and the birds are told to multiply on the earth. Note that the genetics limit each to reproduce only their own kind. God’s ‘blessing’ makes certain the animals can reproduce. This Truth makes evolution a terrible lie, which denies God’s Creation, calling God a liar. (23.) Again, the evening and morning become the fifth day.
Now God tells the earth to bring forth living creatures according to is kind: cattle, creeping thins, beast of the earth, each according to its kind. Again all of this occurs immediately. Note that the term ‘cattle’ no doubt meant all types of animals that we would consider domestic animals. (25.) God made the beasts, according to its kind; cattle, according to its kind, everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw and proclaimed that it was all good. Note the ‘according to its kind’ is repeated over and over to make certain we understand this Truth. Not the lie of ‘evolution’ or anything else, can possibly be true. Those who claim otherwise are calling God a LIAR!
Finally, the crowning glory of God’s Creation: Man. Notice that God says “Let us make man in Our image; according to Our likeness. We see here a very personal interaction of the Creator-God in carefully creating mankind in God’s image and likeness! Do we see the personal touch of God on us? We should! God continues: let them have dominion (this means we are to have complete management and responsibility) over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” We are formed and made in the image and likeness of the Creator – God, Himself. Note in the verse, that God now reveals that He is unique, not a single person, but US! We saw in verse two that the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. So we know God is a Spirit and more than one person.
God actually creates man in His own image and likeness; in the image of God we are created; we are created as male and female. Not only are we given the privilege of being in God’s image and likeness, He has also given us the privilege of creating new life as husband and wives! With privileges, comes awesome responsibilities. (28.) To ensure our success God blesses mankind and tells us to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth and subdue it to have dominion over fish, birds and every living thing that moves on the earth. Not only does He create mankind in His image and likeness He give us the incredible privilege of ruling over His creation! How can mankind be successful in this? Only because God ‘blesses’ us. Remember this Truth: No one can prosper without God’s blessing.
God tells mankind: “I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you it shall be for food. It appears that all herbs and fruits would be edible. (30.) God also tells us that all the animals are to also eat every green herb for food. All of this becomes immediately a reality. So we see in the beginning all creatures were designed to be vegetarians. This Truth eliminates any need to kill any living thing for food.
Now God tells us that everything He had created was indeed very good. So the evening and morning were the sixth day. This indicates that all of creation was very good. This must mean that God is including all the angels that He had created. Again, if Lucifer had fallen, it would not have been very good at the end of the Creation week, yet God tells us that “indeed it was very good.” Remember, God can only speak the Truth. This is now identified as the evening and the morning being the sixth day. Clearly God has told us He created everything in six literal days. Exodus 20:11. God repeated the ‘evening and morning’ each time so that there would be no possible way to misunderstand the Truth of His Word for a literal six day creation. Those who deny God’s Word on this issue, will also deny His Word on other Truths He has revealed to us. Don’t fall for the lies of evolution or any other compromise with the Truth of Gods Eternal Word!
There is so much foundational Truth and Knowledge in this first chapter of Genesis, that it would be wise to read and study it more than once. Seek to understand, and know, in your heart and soul, all of these wonderful, marvelous Truths that God is revealing to you. As you study, ask God how you can apply these Truths to your own life. You bring great joy to God when you read, study and obey His Word; and in so doing, you open the way for God to bless you! Now, be prepared to be Blessed by God!
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