Jospeh In Prison In Egypt
Genesis continues to focus on the life of JOSEPH. Notice that although Joseph is obedient to God, the trials and tribulations allowed in Joseph’s life seem to become worse, and last longer. Despite the suffering of these trials, they will serve to transform his character in such a way that he will eventually have the ability to lead the most powerful country in the world.
This term ‘some time later’ would indicate that quite some time had passed. Both the Butler and the Baker were two of the Pharaoh’s Officers. The Butler was the “Cupbearer”. It was his responsibility to make certain that the drink of the Egyptian Monarch was of excellent quality and free of any poison. In addition, the Cupbearer was often a highly trusted confidant of the Monarch. The Baker was the Superintendent of the Royal Bakery. He also was an important Official in the Royal Household. Remember, this ‘prison’ was only for those of the Royal household who were held in the Prison until there was an investigation regarding their ‘offense’. We are not told what the charges, or ‘offenses’, were, but they must have been serious to warrant being thrown into the prison.
Even these ‘important’ prisoners are given to Joseph by the Captain of the Guard to take care of. This would be an important responsibility, so obviously the Warden fully trusted Joseph. We are told Joseph ‘served them’. We must assume that would mean Joseph would provide all that they needed. Note that they were in prison for ‘some time’. The idea of a right to a ‘speedy trial’ did NOT exist in their government. Remember, Joseph has been in prison for quite some time.
Both men dream a very significant and clear dream that they both remember. The fact that both of them had their own dream on the very same night would indicate that the dreams came from God and were no doubt a ‘message’ from God.
The next morning when Joseph comes in to ‘serve’ them, he sees that both of them appear to be very dejected and sad; obviously more than they had been in the past. Joseph shows concern for them and asks them why they both look so depressed and down. Both men tell Joseph that each of them has dreamed a clear and troubling dream; one that seems very important, yet they are unable to understand the meanings. Obviously, they have both shared their dreams with one another, and each of them have no clue as to what the meaning of the dreams are. Joseph tells them that the interpretation of all dreams belongs to God. He no doubt tells them that since dreams come from God, only He would know their meaning. Then he says something very unusual: “Tell me your dreams, I pray you.” Why would Joseph believe he could understand and interpret their dreams? Perhaps because God had given him clear and understandable dreams when he was younger. At that time, God gave Joseph the meaning and interpretation of his own dreams. Joseph had been so certain and sure of the meaning of his own dreams that in his excitement, he had shared them with his brothers and father. Joseph obviously remembered that God gave him revelation through his own dreams, and still believed they would somehow come to pass. He continues to believe that clear and vivid dreams are a message from God and graciously offers to assist both of them.
Since the Butler had been in the prison for some time, he clearly saw that Joseph was in charge and obviously had the favor of God and the Warden; so he tells his dream to Joseph. Notice that the dream is clear and precise. The Butler carefully describes exactly what he sees; the vine, with the three branches. Then he tells Joseph the vine budded, the blossoms burst forth and then the clusters of blossoms produced ripe grapes; all this in a very quick sequence. Then the Butler, in his dream, takes action; he has the Pharaoh’s cup in his hand and he takes the grapes and presses them into wine and then gives the cup into the Pharaoh’s hand. You and I would probably think the dream strange and probably have no idea of the meaning, other than perhaps having something to do with the Butler’s position of being the Pharaoh’s Cupbearer.
Joseph is clearly being given spiritual insight into the dream, as he doesn’t even hesitate; he says ‘This is the interpretation of the dream:’ “The three branches represent three days. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your former position. You will once again be the Cupbearer for the Pharaoh.”
‘But ..’ Remember, when we see the word ‘but’ something else or different, or negative; will be revealed. Joseph asks the Butler to ‘remember him’ when he is restored to his Official position. He asks the Butler to ‘mention’ him to the Pharaoh and ask that he be released from prison. He continues with his story and tells the Butler that he was abducted by unlawful force from the land of the Hebrews and sold illegally into slavery; and then did nothing to deserve being thrown into the dungeon. What is Joseph doing by asking the Butler to help him get out of prison? Relying on his own efforts? Is he failing to trust God? Should he be seeking some way to get out of prison?
Now after the Chief Baker sees the good interpretation for the Butler, he is now ready to also tell Joseph of his dream, since he too saw something with three in it. Three cake baskets on his head. The one on the top contained some of all the kinds of baked good for the Pharaoh; But.. The birds of prey were eating out of the basket on his head. Birds of Prey are an evil sign.
Again Joseph immediately gives the interpretation of the dream: The three baskets represent three days. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head, but will have you beheaded and hung on a tree and the birds of prey will eat your flesh. Notice in the first dream the Butler squeezed the grapes into wine and presented the cup to the Pharaoh. In the second dream the baker had the baked goods for the Pharaoh, BUT.. the ‘birds of prey’ those which would eat flesh; are eating the baked goods.
On the third day, which is the Pharaoh’s birthday, he has a feast for all his servants; bringing both the Butler and the Baker before him. The Pharaoh then restores the Butler to his position; and the Butler gives the cup into Pharaoh’s hand. BUT, then Pharaoh has the Chief Baker hanged. Both men saw the fulfillment of the interpretations given by Joseph. Despite this outcome, the Butler gives no thought to Joseph; and forgets all about him.
Although Joseph gives God the credit for having the power to reveal dreams; he then tries to use that revelation to his own advantage to get out of prison. Perhaps God intended to use these dreams to cause the Butler to tell Pharaoh of his experience; and thus have Joseph released from prison and elevated to a high position. Yet because Joseph was impatient and tried to ‘help God out’, God caused the Butler to ‘forget’ about Joseph. God wants us to rely totally on Him and not try to rely on our own efforts to force an outcome. If the Butler had remembered Joseph, perhaps Joseph would have thought the outcome was due to his own efforts rather than God. Can you identify in any way with Joseph? Ever try to ‘help God out?’ Remember, God should receive all the Glory for His Will and direction for our lives; we must be careful to not take any credit for our successes, or to use them for our own advantage.
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