Yeshua; God’s Will for Salvation
THE PARADIGM OF “SALVATION”. JUSTIFICATION: Once saved always saved. Jesus paid for our sins on the Cross. Acceptance of His death on our behalf frees us from the Penalty of Sin. For all Believers this is past tense. SANCTIFICATION: This is the ongoing process of God’s Grace enabling the Believer in obeying and yielding to the Holy Spirit Who grants us Power over sin. This separation from the growth and power of sin over us is a lifelong endeavor. This is present tense. IF we are truly passionate about following Christ, then each day we are becoming more and more like Jesus; and will experience less and less sin in our lives. This Grace of God is the slow process of removal of the growth of sin in our lives. GLORIFICATION: This is future to us and is the complete and total separation from the very Presence of sin forever. All Believers will be glorified. This means we will be resurrected and given a body like Jesus and be forever separated from sin. However, some Believers will have more ‘glory’ than others. The ‘Rewards of Glory’ are given in direct proportion to our obedience to the Holy Spirit. Our obedience to God’s Will always brings forth eternal fruit. Glorification is the end result of our Sanctification process. We choose our own ultimate destiny by our obedience, or disobedience, to God’s Will. Those who choose to do little will receive little glory. Those who chose to deny themselves, take up their cross in obedience to the Holy Spirit, will receive great glory. The book of Hebrews speaks to our hearts and souls about this process of Sanctification and it’s crucial importance to who we become in Christ for all eternity!
The word “For” indicates a continuation of the Truths of the previous Chapter. This Truth is the Superior Sacrifice of Yeshua. Remember, the Bible was divided into chapters long after it was originally written. Paul continues his careful analysis and explanation for the Hebrew Believers. The Ten Commandments as well as the entire system of Temple sacrifices was only a faint, or blurry, shadow of the future ‘good things’ to come. Neither of these prophetic things were actually the reality of the originals that are in Heaven. Because of this Truth, no amount of year after year of sacrifices could ever bring them to the goal of being freed from the guilt and penalty of their sins. We cannot ever approach God covered in the filth of sin.
We know this is true, because IF the sacrifices being offered had removed the guilt and penalty of sin permanently, then repeated sacrifices would not be necessary. Yet, they knew in their hearts that they were still under the conviction of sin. This statement makes it clear that at the time this was written, the sacrifices were still being offered in the Temple. ( 3.) The result of the repeated sacrifices is the constant remembrance that their conscience continued to bother them. The sacrifices made them aware of the reality of still being under condemnation for their sins.
The Truth is it is absolutely impossible for the blood of any animal to remove the judgement due for a person’s sins. That ‘judgement due for sin’ was the death penalty. This death penalty was not just a penalty of death of the body, but a ‘death penalty’ for both your soul and spirit. Your very identity of being made in the image and likeness of God would be utterly destroyed. Remember what happened to the angels who chose to follow Lucifer in turning away from God; they lost their identity as angels and became horrible demons. The final destination of those who reject God is the same: The eternal lake of fire. Think this through very carefully!
This important Truth is the reason that Jesus said: “Sacrifices and offerings You have not desired, but instead You have prepared a body for Me.” This ‘body’ was none other than Jesus’ body to be offered for the perfect sacrifice. See Psalm 40:6-10; Isaiah 53:11-12. The author clearly shows that Jesus knew He was fulfilling prophecy, and His Will, when He spoke these words. Only through perfect obedience to God’s Will could the Sacrifice be acceptable and Perfect.
The offerings were all made with things man made; such as the wine, oil and incense; or were animals sacrificed by man. The animals were incapable of ‘obeying God’ in making the sacrifice. They had no choice. The ‘perfect acceptable sacrifice’ had to be sacrificially and obediently given by a perfect sinless man. Only Jesus could fulfill that requirement by willingly obeying His Father and yielding Himself as the Perfect Sacrifice for us. (7.) This is a direct quote from Psalm 40:6-8, and is attributed to Jesus speaking: “I, Jesus, am coming to do Your will, O God, to fulfill all that is written of Me in the Scriptures.”
This is such a crucial Truth that the author does not want anyone, either the Hebrews of their day, nor anyone in the future down through the ages, to ever misquote or misinterpret this Truth: Since God did not desire, accept or take delight in any of these offerings; all of which were given according to the Laws given to them through Moses, then there is no reason to ever again participate in these types of “offerings and sacrifices”. To participate would be to dishonor and turn your back on Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross! See the seriousness of ignoring God’s Truth and trying to do things ‘another way’? There is only ONE WAY TO HEAVEN and that ONE WAY is always and forever through Jesus Christ.
The author again emphasizes what Jesus said: “Behold,” (this word indicates that this is an extremely important announcement; it would be like saying: ‘Now hear this everyone and pay close attention!’) “Behold, I am coming to do Your Will.” By saying these words, Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God, has fulfilled the law, just as He promised He would, by forever doing away with the old covenant and bringing forth the New Covenant. Jesus willingly chose to obey God the Father and give His life on the Cross in full payment for all our sins. This statement is one of the greatest division in the Word of God. Think of it like the Grand Canyon which is placed between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant; the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is based on only one sacrifice: Jesus’ death on the Cross! This clear statement, repeated in several slightly different ways is meant to emphasize that the Law has been done away with! The Hebrews were NOT to try to ‘keep the Law’. This means that we also, are NOT to try to keep the Law, or the 10 Commandments. Wow, does this means we can trash the 10 Commandments? Of course not, what it means is that Jesus has clearly told us the 10 Commandments, and all of the Law, was just the ‘rough draft’ of what He expects of us. Remember the commandment not to commit adultery? Jesus told us that anyone who even thought in their mind an immoral thought, had already broken this commandment! He wanted us to put such evil thoughts out of our mind and keep our minds holy and pure. Remember, the battle against sin begins in our minds! Everything Jesus taught His disciples, and us, fulfills the Law. His commands actually are a much higher standard, and requirement, than the original 10 Commandments. Jesus wants our hearts, attitudes and actions to be holy, pure, loving, generous, and kind; sacrificing our own wants and needs for the eternal good of others, giving ourselves completely, just as He gave Himself for us.
Now because of this Will of God (Jesus offering his body up and dying for us on the Cross) we have been made, and are continually being made, holy and sanctified. Note that the Greek text actually denotes a continuous state of sanctification. This means we are constantly and continually being sanctified. This ‘continuous action’ means two important Truths: The actions of sanctification is ongoing AND yet it is a permanent sanctification. This means we can never ever not be sanctified, meaning we cannot lose our salvation! The offering up of the body of Jesus Christ was ONCE for ALL! If this were not absolutely True, then Jesus didn’t accomplish the ‘Perfect Sacrifice’!
Furthermore, the earthly priests all stand each day offering up the same sacrifices over and over, which can never, ever, do anything to remove sins from our souls. The emphasis is now on the daily offerings and sacrifices that were still being made by the priests, which the author wanted the Hebrews to understand were not only not necessary, but were an insult to their Savior and Lord Jesus.
Yet, think about it, this Man, Jesus, after He had offered only one Sacrifice, Himself; for all our sins for all eternity, then sat down at the right hand of God. This assures them, and us, that an offering for sin is no longer needed; Yeshua did it ONCE FOR ALL, FOREVER! The priests were NEVER able to sit down, because their work was never complete. In fact, there wasn’t even a place to sit down! Yet Jesus was able to not only sit down, as His work was completed forever, but He sat at God’s Right Hand; which signified He is God and has all authority over Heaven and Earth.
Now the author quotes from Psalm 110:1, stating that He is waiting with expectation that all His enemies are to be made the footstool under His feet. This will be a fulfillment of this Psalm. Keep in mind that although Jesus is ‘waiting’ He is not idle, He is busy preparing a place for us. This is an incredible work He is doing. At the same time He is also continually acting as our advocate with the Father. There are also other areas of important activity that are occurring. And you think you are a good multi-tasker! Note that this is an important point we should not miss, that although we are to ‘wait on the Lord’, it does not mean we sit around doing nothing. We are to be actively waiting for His return.
The Truth is that by His one offering of Himself, He has forever perfected those Believers that are being sanctified. Notice that again the action is continuous. We are not perfect outside of Jesus, but only through Him. This continuous work is practical sanctification. The Holy Spirit is constantly acting within the Believers slowly conforming us to becoming more and more in the image of Jesus, the Son of God. Also notice the ‘forever perfected’ phrase indicating the certainty of our being perfected. Our Salvation, Sanctification and Glorification is an absolute CERTAINTY! God’s Word guarantees it! We can be certain and sure of our eternal destination with Jesus forever.
These verses are actually one continuous sentence. Now the author reveals that even the Holy Spirit gives His testimony to us to confirm all these Truths. Since the Word of God has always been considered as God’s inspired Words of Truth through the Holy Spirit, the author claims the Holy Spirit is also confirming these Truths through the quotation of Jeremiah 31: 33-34: “For this is the Covenant that I, the Lord, will set up and confirm with them after those days; I will imprint My laws upon their hearts, and I will inscribe them on their minds and souls and give them understanding; and I will be their God and they will be My people; … I will forgive their iniquity and I will no longer remember their sins.” Think about it, not only are we forgiven for our sins, and the penalty of death removed, but God also promises He will never even remember our sins. He will never, ever, bring up our confessed and repented sins now, or for all eternity. Thank you Jesus!
So now, since there is complete and total forgiveness of the sins, the penalty, and even their remembrance; there is no need for any sacrifices or offerings to be made for those sins; they are gone, completely vanished! Since this is such an important Truth, let’s apply it to our lives. If you feel ‘guilty’ about a past sin, be honest and ask yourself, and God, have I confessed my sin in full? Have I repented and turned away from that sin? If so, then think about the reasons you may feel guilty; if, in fact, you have confessed and repented, then there is no reason to feel guilty. Understand that ‘guilt’ comes from Satan, not from God. God sends us conviction of sin so that we will confess and repent; He does not hang guilt over our head to make us miserable about a past confessed sin. So how do we change our ‘feeling guilty’? Simply thank God for forgiving you and reread the Scriptures that say God does not remember our sins. Claim His promises of ‘forgiving and forgetting’. Do not dwell on the past sins; chose to focus on God’s goodness and blessings, thanking Him for all He has done for you. Thank Him for giving His Son, Jesus to die on the Cross for you. Begin each day with a thankful heart and verbalize your thankfulness out loud. The more you praise and thank God, the less you will experience that ‘guilty feeling’. Remember, the ‘battlefield’ is in our minds! Make praising God on a daily basis a new habit. Read, Pray and Study His Word every day, making this another good habit. These are the kind of habits that bring you closer to Jesus and make life joyful. Once last note: Keep in mind that references to ‘offerings’ in the future Temple are mentioned, but these would be the Thank, Meal, and Praise offerings, not animal sacrifices for sin.
‘Therefore fellow Believers, now that we know all these Truths’, get prepared, another important revelation is going to be given to us. We now have full freedom and confidence to enter into the Holy of Holies. What the Holy Spirit is telling them, and us; is now that we are made holy through the blood of Jesus Christ; we now have the unbelievable privilege of entering into the most holy place in the universe, Heaven itself! Remember, in the past no one but the high priest could ever enter into the Holy of Holies. Yet now we, as Believers, can enter into the True and Eternal Holy of Holies, God’s Throne Room in Heaven!
So how can we enter into God’s Throne Room in Heaven? By a new and living way, which Jesus has provided through His own flesh, also referred to as the ‘veil’. Remember that the ‘veil’ was torn apart at Jesus’ death; from top to bottom, signifying that the Holy of Holies, representing Heaven, was now opened up for all Believers. Jesus opened Heaven for all Believers when He died on the Cross for our sins. He was then buried, then rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He literally ‘opened Heaven’ for all Believers over all the ages of time. After His death we are told He descended into Hades, or Sheol. This was the ‘place of the dead’ where all deceased souls were held. Those who were faithful were ‘in Abrahams bosom’. The wicked and unfaithful were in a place of burning torment; which we refer to as Hell. Jesus brought the faithful to Heaven. The wicked are still in Hell, awaiting the final Judgement. Their final place will be in the eternal lake of fire. See Matt. 25:41.
Now we have Jesus as our great High Priest who actually rules over the House of God, that is Heaven. Notice that Jesus is the Ruler of Heaven and the High Priest, representing us in Heaven. (22.) Let us all come forward – we can enter into God’s presence – with a true and sincere heart, with the full assurance that comes from faithfully trusting in Jesus with all our heart and soul. Our hearts are to be sprinkled clean from a bad conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. He is quoting Ezekiel 36: 25-27 as a fulfillment of prophecy. So, exactly how do we actually enter into the Throne Room of Heaven? Through faithfully praying to God and reading and studying His Word. We do not need to go to another human being to speak to God for us, we can communicate with our Lord and Savior anyplace, anytime, anywhere! We can be in His presence whenever we even think about Him. Do you realize that Jesus loves it when you think about Him, praise Him, and seek to follow Him? Remember, you can bring Joy to God when you seek His Presence through worship and praise. You also bring sorrow to your Savior when you ignore His Will and ‘do it your way’.
Again the author says “Let us” meaning himself and all Believers, should continue to hold fast to the faith and hope we proclaim to believe. We must not waver or become wishy washy or hesitant about our faith. We must be bold to proclaim we are followers of Christ, True Believers, ready to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads us. We must always be bold and courageous, faithful followers of Jesus. Jesus, the One Who made the promise is trustworthy. Keep in mind that these Hebrews were facing fierce persecution, even to the point of death. So being bold carried even the risk of death!
Once again the author uses the term “Let us”, including himself along with the Hebrew Believers. Now he is asking them, and us, to make a conscious effort to encourage one another; to watch over and assist one another; studying God’s Word with one another; searching for ways of helping other Believers in all areas of their lives; encouraging everyone with sincere love and good deeds. This means we make a firm commitment to search out ways to assist other Christians and encourage them in the faith walk with Christ. This is True Discipleship!
At the same time remembering to attend our own congregational meetings; making an effort to fellowship with other Believers. He specifically tells them not to neglect these congregational meetings and activities. He mentions that ‘others’ have neglected this aspect of their lives. This is a serious matter or the author would not have mentioned it so strongly. Those who attend church, and Bible Study, on an irregular basis are setting themselves up for failure. Satan wants to keep people away from other Believers. We should make every effort to meet with other Believers, even when on vacation. In order to keep ourselves close to God, and encourage others to do so, we must make every effort to spend as much quality time as possible with other Believers. Iron sharpens iron. Believers encourage one another. As we see the end times, The Day, approaching, we should be making special efforts to spend even more time with other Believers.
Once we have received the Truth of Salvation through Jesus Christ; and we reject it by wilfully choosing to continue on in an habitual sin, then there is no other way to be forgiven. Remember, we are forgiven of our sins, when we confess the sin and repent of it. If we refuse to confess and repent and reject God’s provision of Jesus Christ, then we will suffer the consequences. Those consequences will be God’s judgement on their sin. Since we know that we cannot lose our eternal salvation, this sin will have other consequences then eternal death. (27.) Of this Wilful sin there will be the terrible expectation of divine judgment on themselves. A person who places themselves in this position can expect God’s wrath and perhaps even terrible physical pain and suffering and even death.
The author reminds the Hebrews that under Moses’ law anyone who wilfully disobeyed the law, according to two or three witnesses, was to die without mercy. At the time of Moses, anyone who worshiped a false god was to be put to death. There were quite a number of laws that brought about the sentence of death. See Deut. 17:1-6. 19:15.
So now the author identifies the worst sin a person can commit. Physical death was the worst punishment any sin in the old testament received. Now he wants them to then think about how much worse the punishment will be for anyone who denies the Son of God! He states that those who deny Jesus are actually trampling underfoot the Son of God. Those who consider the blood of Jesus worthless and unholy; actually profane, insult and outrage the Holy Spirit. The author is clearly identifying what it means to deny Jesus. He wants to be certain that they do not misunderstand the seriousness of trying to go back to Judaism.
At the time of this writing, the Hebrews who chose to return to the Temple would physically suffer, and probably even die, in the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. In addition, those who fail to obey the Holy Spirit and chose to deny Jesus, will also lose their eternal rewards. Will they also lose their Salvation? No, because we can do NOTHING to lose our Salvation.
Now the author gives them a stern reminder that vengeance belongs to the Lord. And God Himself shall judge His people. See Deut 32:35. (31.) It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Romans 12:19. Their Jewish history is filled with what happens to those who deny God and are involved in worship that is not of God. After knowing the Truth of the free gift of Salvation given to them by Jesus, and the terrible price He paid; they would be just as guilty as false idol worshipers, if they went back to Judaism. He is warning them of the consequences that their cowardice will bring them.
The author reminds them of the original persecution that they had bravely endured when they had first turned to Jesus and accepted Him as their True Messiah and Lord. Their initial belief in Jesus had brought about great and painful struggles, yet they had persevered. (33.) He reminds them of how painful and difficult it had been to be courageous and stand strong and firm against the enemies of Jesus. Of how they had been publicly exposed, evidently to the entire Jewish believers who remained in Judaism; they had been insulted and abused and placed in great distress. Things were so bad that they were forced to ban together with other Believers in order to even survive! (34.) They are commended for sympathizing and suffering alongside other Believers who were thrown into prison. They were even so certain of their faith, that they were cheerful about being persecuted for the sake of Jesus Christ. Even to the point of seeing their property and all their belongings being taken away from them. How could they have been cheerful? Because they knew and believed that Jesus was coming back for them and He would provide a glorious home for them in Heaven. They knew that nothing on earth could compare to what Jesus had promised them in Heaven. Are we that faithful and certain of God’s Promises? Why not?
Now, after some time had gone by, they were beginning to give up and were losing their confidence. They may have even wondered where was Jesus? He had promised to come back for them and they were no doubt sick and tired of all the persecutions and sufferings they had endured. Keep in mind that Paul had to deal with a similar situation with the Believers in Thessalonica; when they were deceived into believing that Jesus had returned and they were left behind. So now Paul (the author) encourages them by reminding them of the rewards that Jesus has promised; and that He ALWAYS keeps His promises. Our problem is the same as theirs, we are impatient. How long do I have to suffer? When is Jesus going to get me out of this mess? I am sick and tired of suffering so much! Do you ever feel this way? In the beginning, when we are new Believers, we often have such new enthusiasm and great endurance believing “I will ALWAYS follow Jesus; I would NEVER deny Him.” Yet, we must remember that Peter lived with Jesus and he also thought he would be brave and strong in the face of persecution and he also promised he would NEVER deny Jesus. Yet, we know from God’s Word that the best intentions and most firm vows cannot be kept on our human strength alone. Only with the wisdom, guidance, strength and power of the Holy Spirit can we ever hope to stand strong in the face of persecution. That is a great reason to make certain that we are in God’s Word every single day!
The author tells them that they need steadfast patience and endurance in order to obey the Holy Spirit and accomplish the Will of God. Where does that supernatural patience come from? Certainly not from ourselves, we MUST rely on the Holy Spirit to provide that kind and quality of patience and endurance that we could never have on our own. When we try to do it on our own we are guaranteeing that we will fail. Ever think that you can do it on your own? “I’ll ask God for help when I need Him, I can do this on my own!” You are flirting with the sin of pride, that attitude of “I can do it on my own”, that is PRIDE, pure and simple. God warns us over and over again that PRIDE goes before the fall. So you are setting yourself up for a terrible fall when you try to do it on your own. The author goes on to tell them that this patience and endurance is absolutely necessary to accomplish the Will of God. And this accomplishing God’s Will is absolutely, positively, necessary in order to receive and enjoy all the glorious rewards Jesus has promised them.
Now the author tells them that it is still a little while before Jesus will return. Yet at the same time, he assures them that Jesus will not delay His return unnecessarily. This is another indication that they were probably questioning “Where is Jesus? He promised to come back for us!” Down through the ages thousands of Believers have cried out for Jesus to come back. We even say in our day “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!” We are to be patiently waiting for Him, yet at the same time we are to be busy doing His Will. (38.) Now he quotes the famous Truth that Martin Luther discovered and that caused the entire Reformation. See Habakkuk 2:4. “The just shall live by faith”; yet if anyone fails to obey and live out his faith, then God will have no pleasure or delight in him. They, and we, are not to give up or give in to fear because of trials or tribulations, or sufferings, or any of the other many types and kinds of persecutions that can and will be thrown at them, and us. Remember, this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! The enemy is Satan and his demons are trying to destroy all Believers. Since this is Spiritual warfare, we know we must rely on Spiritual Power from the Holy Spirit in order to persevere and endure the attacks the enemy hurls at us. This is one of the main reasons we are encouraged to study God’s Word together; and to work together and encourage and pray for one another. We can’t win this war alone, we desperately need one another!
Yet our way will NOT be like those who give up fighting for the faith and slip back into suffering and misery. He is telling them that suffering will occur, they cannot escape it! So, why not persevere with God and suffer for His sake, rather than suffering because we are fearful and cowards? Although the author did not know it at the time, those who DID go back to the Temple and Judaism were NEARLY all utterly destroyed in 70 A.D.! So the Holy Spirit was definitely warning ALL of them to persevere and stand strong in their faith.
Satan also wants us to quit! We know, and understand, that suffering will come! So we must also stand strong, persevere and not give up. We must persevere and do everything we can to continue in Bible Study to strengthen our Faith, as well as encouraging and praying for one another. Helping those in need and doing everything God would lead us to do to be obedient to His Will. He is coming back soon! It may be sooner than we realize, especially since we know it has been 2,000 years since He promised He would return. Jesus warned us that He would return when we least expected Him. How about you? Are you persevering in your Bible Study, applying His Word to your life? Do you keep your promise to pray for and help others? Don’t give up, stand strong in your Faith; Jesus IS COMING BACK SOON!
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