True Faith
Some of the most powerful Truths regarding True Faith are revealed to Christians in this Chapter. The definitive description of Faith is clearly and carefully given by the Holy Spirit to inspire us to obey God’s Word. Throughout this chapter we will see incredible exemplifications of Faith. These wonderful examples should stimulate us to be bold in passionately proclaiming the uncompromising Truth of God’s Word. These remarkable, brave and Faithful men and women are termed the “Hall of Faith”. The Holy spirit has selected them out of all history to be given as our examples. Yet, we know so much more of God’s character and promises than any of these Prophets of old. We have so much more knowledge, resources and understanding. We are the recipients of God’s Mercy and Grace to such a degree that we are blessed beyond measure. “To whom much is given, much is required.” See Luke 12:48. As a result, we should be thrilled to have the privilege of living as Faithful Stewards of God’s Word in these last Days! This chapter of Hebrews was written to bring you into a powerful quality of Faith that will serve to shine brightly and clearly as being His Faithful child. “Faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as Present and the invisible as seen.” Dr. J. Oswald Sanders. Is your Future in Heaven so REAL to you that everything you do honors and glorifies Jesus?
True Faith is the assured confidence of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. This word “confidence”, or “substance” used in ancient documents, referred to the evidence of a Title Deed and gave a guarantee of sure ownership. True Faith is our confident assurance of completely trusting God for the things we hope for. These ‘things’ are the promises He has already given us. This is the sure Hope of knowing and being convinced in our minds, hearts and souls that they are REAL and TRUE even before we actually experience them. We all operate on a measure of faith in the physical business world: credit cards, checks, our paper money, etc. Our Faith in God is far more secure than any of these things: We have the written guarantee of the Word of God! As Believers, we live in the guaranteed assurance of another reality; a reality outside the realm of our physical experiences. Even though these future things are unseen, yet we are convinced of their reality. “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness”. Genesis 15:6. (2.) For by this type of true “Faith” the men of the past were true Overcomers in exercising their Faith and trust in God. We are to have the same patient Faith in waiting in anticipation of receiving the promises of God. Let’s strive to be faithful OVERCOMERS!
By exercising this Faith, we know, understand, and believe that the entire Universe was created and set in perfect order and motion to function in a precise manner carefully designed by the very Word of God. The Word of God is none other than Jesus Christ. His Word created our Universe and everything within it; all life was created by His spoken Word. In Genesis, God clearly tells us that He created everything in existence, by His spoken Word. Both the spiritual and physical worlds were created only by His spoken Word. This world and universe that we know exists, was created out of nothing! Both the visible and invisible ‘worlds’ were created by God from absolutely nothing. For those who have a scientific bent and wish to explore these Truths further, there are excellent DVD’s on Particle Physics and Quantum Physics that confirm that our “Reality” exists in 10 dimensions. Yet only four are ‘knowable’, or ‘proved’ by our physical “proofs”: the spatial dimensions are Length, Depth and Height; the fourth is Breadth, meaning a great extent. We also are aware of the sometimes referred to “dimension” of time itself.
Now we begin the famous “Hall of Faith” listing of the Faith of Believers of past history and their incredible strength of character. Through his Faith, Abel chose to obey God and offered the sacrifice He required. This excellent sacrifice was pleasing to God and was accepted by Him, testifying of Abel’s righteousness in Faithful obedience. Cain’s sacrifice was one he chose to offer God. Cain did it his way, not God’s way, and as a result, Cain’s sacrifice was not acceptable to God. Even though Abel was killed by his jealous brother, Cain; yet Abel’s example of Faithful obedience rings down through the corridors of history to our very day, testifying of Abel’s Faithfulness and righteousness.
By trusting Faith, Enoch was caught up to Heaven with God. Enoch did not die, rather he was directly ‘translated’ into Heaven by God. The ‘caught up’ is the same phrase used for the ‘translation’ to Heaven. We often use the word ‘rapture’ to refer to those who will be caught up into Heaven with Jesus prior to the great Tribulation. Before Enoch was taken to Heaven, he already had the testimony that he was ‘well pleasing’ to God. To be well pleasing to God meant that he had great Faith and was considered righteous by God.
Notice the crucial issue is now addressed: Without True Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God! This is an important Truth that many try to avoid or deny. No matter how many ‘good’ things we do, or sacrifices we make, or anything else we DO means NOTHING if we do not have True Faith. To have True Faith simply means we truly Trust and believe God; always, and in everything. Anyone who seeks to come to know God, must first believe He exists, and must earnestly seek to know Him. The Holy Spirit assures us that those who honestly and sincerely seek to know and obey God will be rewarded by Him. We seek to know God first, then we receive His blessing of knowing Him. God reveals Himself ONLY to those who honestly seek Him. To honestly and diligently seek God with our whole heart and soul will bring us to a more intimate relationship with Him. That is the best reward of all!
Noah acted on God’s divine revelation entirely by Faith. Think about it; since It had never rained on earth, there was no way Noah could understand exactly what a ‘flood’ even was. Yet, he believed God and worked diligently for 100+ years building an ark and gathering all the things necessary to provide for himself, his family and the animals that God would bring to the ark. You can imagine the ridicule and hostility of the people around Noah. Calling him ‘crazy’ was probably the least of his problems. As time went on, difficulties no doubt increased. Yet Noah continued in Faith, even though there was not one shred of ‘physical evidence’ of any flood. In fact, he had probably never even experienced any type of flood. The obedience that Noah showed actually served to condemn the unbelievers when the floodgates of earth and heaven opened up and caused all those who had the ‘breath of life’ to die by drowning. Because Noah was obedient to the revelation of God he showed his Faith in God and fear of God’s coming judgement on the world. Noah’s incredible Faith is counted as righteousness.
Abraham obeyed God’s call to leave his home, family, security, wealth, essentially everything he knew, to travel to who-knows-where! God promised to show him a land that he would receive as an inheritance. Yet he didn’t even know WHERE he was going, much less the conditions he would be facing. God also promised to make of Abraham a great nation, to have so many descendants they would be as innumerable as the stars of heaven. God told him he would bless his name and cause him to be a blessing to all mankind down through the ages. He obeyed out of simple Faith in God; a God evidently no one else even knew! Can you imagine hearing a message to leave all your security and family behind and go…. to a land God would show you? We would all probably say “exactly where is this land, and how safe is it, how will we support ourselves, etc. etc.” Notice that Abraham knew none of the answers to ANY of these “reasonable” questions and yet he still faithfully obeyed God.
By Faith alone Abraham left his homeland and lived in the land promised to him. Yet he did not ‘own’ the land, or have any legal claim to the land. He actually lived like a nomad, dwelling in tents, traveling from one area to another in the land. The term ‘dwelling’ actually meant to live as a stranger in temporary dwellings. Much like one would go camping, living in a tent, knowing it was a temporary home. His son, Isaac and grandson Jacob, were both promised the same ‘inheritance’ yet actually never received the fulfillment of the promise while they lived on earth. Yet they all continued to believe God would keep His promises. (10.) Abraham looked far into the future, trusting that the future dwelling place would be a city with foundations; the builder and creator of this “city” would be God Himself. This City is the heavenly Jerusalem; it is referenced in Heb. 11:16; 12:22; 13:14, and also in Rev. 21:1-22. We should all be seeking to know more about this magnificent Heavenly Home God is preparing. Search the scriptures for yourself! After all, this Home will be ours for all Eternity!
Through Trusting Faith alone, Sarah received strength to conceive a child, and bear the male child she was promised. She was 90 years old, long past child bearing age, when she gave birth to Isaac. Sarah judged God Faithful who had given Abraham the promise. Although we know that there were times that Sarah tried to “help God out” and actually caused disaster for herself and her family, she eventually trusted God fully. What a lesson for those of us who have made poor decisions, and made a mess of our lives; God can, and will redeem us, as we obey Him!
Therefore, because of his Trusting Faith, Abraham fathered a son at the age of 100. At this age his natural ability to father a child was long past; yet through his Faith God gave him the supernatural power to father a son. This son, and all future descendants, fulfilled the prophecy by becoming so numerous that no one could ever count them. They were as numerous and countless as the stars of heaven and grains of sand on earth. Even today, we have no idea how many people on earth are the descendants of Abraham; perhaps even you are his descendant.
Yet Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; all the Patriarchs, died without actually seeing the fulfillment of these promises in their lifetime. Yet they continued to believe and trust in God and lived their lives in Trusting Him alone. They all knew that their lives on earth were temporary, that they were aliens and temporary residents of earth. They looked far into the future and saw, by Faith alone, the coming of the Messiah and believed and trusted God. Do we think of ourselves as aliens on earth? Or do we act as though our lives on earth are more important than future Heavenly life? Where is your focus? Are you living your life, expecting the Messiah to return to earth for you and all Believers? Or is your focus on earth? Pray to re-prioritize your life, and commit your Faith and Trust on Heavenly values, not on earthly values. Remember, only a fool would sacrifice what he knows he cannot lose, for something he knows he will lose!
All those Believers who speak of Heaven and Eternal life are focused on a fatherland, that is a country promised by God, and actually a perfect Promised Land. This perfect country will be our home in another lifetime. We refer to it as the Millennium. During those 1,000 years Jesus will be the sole ruler of earth. As we groan under corrupt, greedy, immoral and anti-Christian rulers, we also long for that country with a perfect ruler, our Messiah, Jesus.
Yet, some may have wanted to return to their homeland. Remember that there were those who considered going back to the land that Abraham had come from. That is why Abraham instructed his servant to go to his homeland of Ur and his relatives, perhaps Horan, and obtain a bride for Isaac. He did not want Isaac to be tempted to return to his homeland. Even Jacob stayed in the land of Ur more than 14 years before God allowed things to become so miserable for him, that he again returned to the promised land. All this teaches us that no matter where we live on earth, there is no perfect land or country, not even our own United States. Our perfect homeland will be with Jesus in Eternity.
All those in the past desired a better country, or a superior homeland; the Heavenly Home promised by God. For their Faith, God is pleased to be called their God; and He has prepared a perfect place for them, the New Jerusalem. This New Jerusalem will also be our home in the Millennium. Yet, we must remember that the original promise was given to the Patriarchs. Jesus told his followers that many people would come from the north, south, east and west to recline with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Obviously this is all future to us. See Matt. 8:11. Are you excited about the prospect of actually meeting these wonderful examples of Trusting Faith? Can you imagine actually meeting Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, and other faithful Believers?
Again, by Faith, Abraham correctly responded to God’s testing by being willing to sacrifice his only son. (The only son ordained by God) Remember, he actually had a natural born son, Ishmael by Hagar. Yet Abraham knew that only Isaac was the son promised by God to become the one destined to inherit God promises. It is interesting to note that the Greek structure of the sentence indicates that the action of being tried, or tested, was immediately followed by Abraham obeying God in his soul and spirit by being willing to sacrifice his beloved son at God’s command. When tested, he did not argue with God, or think about it for a time. Are we as willing to immediately obey God in hard trials? Or do we argue with God in our thoughts and mind, and question His requests of us? Jesus told us that no one was worthy of following Him if they were unwilling to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him.
The author reminds them that God clearly told Abraham that ONLY through Isaac would future people be called to receive God’s promises. Therefore, Abraham knew in his heart and soul that since God requested him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, then God had the power to raise him back to life. Yet, Abraham knew that the implications of his Faith and actions were far reaching into the future; perhaps even into all eternity. Abraham said “In the mount of the Lord, it will be seen.” See Genesis 22:14. And it was seen: Two thousand years later on that very same mount, another Father would sacrifice His “only begotten” Son, Jesus. From Abraham’s point of view, Isaac was dead to him from the time God asked him to sacrifice Isaac. Exactly three days. All this prophecy foreshadowed the coming of our Messiah, his death and resurrection; three days after dying on the cross, Jesus was raised from the dead. The belief in a literal physical resurrection is crucial to our Faith as Christians. Remember, that in their day the Sadducees denied the truth of a bodily resurrection. Look around at the numerous false religions today that all deny a true bodily resurrection of the person, soul and spirit. Jesus told the Sadducees, when they tried to trick Him, by quoting what God said: “I am the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob.” Therefore, God IS the God of the LIVING, not the dead; therefore all those men named were alive! See Exodus 3:6. For a careful analysis of this issue read Matt. 22:23-32.
Even Isaac believed that God’s blessings, would come to pass. Isaac thought he was giving the favorable blessing to Esau; yet was unknowingly giving it to Jacob. Isaac knew God had chosen Jacob over Esau, yet Esau was his favorite. Yet when he gave the ‘blessing’ to Esau, he knew it, too, came from God and would be fulfilled in the future.
By Faith, Jacob blessed both the sons of Joseph, giving them the same status of blessings as his other sons; thereby giving them a ‘double portion’ of blessings. Jacob also knew that the promises would be kept by God, yet were still in the distant future.
Again, by Trusting Faith, Joseph carefully commanded that his bones be brought out of Egypt and be taken back to the promised land. He spoke of the departing of the children of Israel out of Egypt. He knew, by Faith alone, that the time of living in Egypt was only temporary. See Genesis 50:25.
Nearly 400 years after Joseph died, Moses was saved by Faith. His parents knew, only by Faith, that God had a special plan for their son. Although they could have been killed for hiding their son, they chose to obey God.
By Faith, Moses, when he attained the age of 40, made the decision to leave the Royal Court of Egypt, lose his Royal Position of power, status and wealth, and be identified with his own Jewish people. He knew that all his power, wealth, status, and opulent life was only temporary. His real calling was to obey God and somehow lead his people out of Egypt. We all know that he did not consult God as to HOW or WHEN he was to lead them out of their slavery back to the promised land; and got himself in trouble quickly. Remember, when we do it OUR WAY it is not God’s way, nor in His Will.
Moses, by Faith, valued the sufferings brought by following the Messiah, far more than the opulent, easy life of wealth in Egypt. Moses believed the promises of God given over 400 years earlier to the Patriarchs, of a promised land and a coming Messiah. He looked forward to the promises of God’s rewards and valued them far above all the riches of the world. If we truly believe God, we will give up our earthly wealth and riches generously for the kingdom of God. Remember, we can never take our wealth WITH US, but we can send it on ahead to Heaven by obediently giving it where God directs. As the wealthiest people on earth, we need to prayerfully ask God how and where we should give the wealth He has provided for us, not for our indulgence, but rather to give for His work.
By Faith, Moses left Egypt; not because he feared the King, but he recognized that God was calling him to leave. Yet he was rejected by his own people when they said “Who made you a ruler and judge over us?” Exodus 2:14. God had to teach and train Moses to endure hardships and learn continued obedience in order to be able to lead several million people out of slavery and Egypt. (28.) The author of Hebrews continues to show that all that Moses did was by Faith alone. He had no mentors, no one else to work with him, no supporters, NO ONE! He trusted God alone to lead and direct him. The Passover was a new, and unusual, and unheard of, and yes, quite distasteful, yet very detailed ritual that was requested of the Israelites. Only those who, by Faith, obeyed God’s command were spared the death of their first born.
By Trusting Faith in God they were able to walk through the Red Sea as if they were on dry land. Yet, when the Egyptians tried to follow them, they were all drowned. This is a powerful lesson for us. We cannot act on the Faith of someone else. Just because someone else steps out in Faith and obedience to God, doesn’t mean we can just follow them. We must also seek God’s direction and guidance and exercise our OWN Faith in God, not blindly follow someone else. It is this very thing that causes well meaning Christians to be led astray. No matter how wonderful, or eloquent or powerful someone else ‘appears’ to be in a situation, we must not just follow their lead.
Only by Trusting Faith did the thick fortified walls of Jericho fall down. The Israelites carefully obeyed God’s commands in every detail as given by Joshua; and marched around the city of Jericho each day as directed. Then on the seventh day, in complete silence, they marched around the city seven times, then shouted as they had been commanded; and God caused the walls to fall down. We, and the Hebrews, are given these references to Faith and obedience as lessons for our own lives. (31.) Even the gentile harlot Rahab, the most despised type of person to the Israelites, was spared by Faith alone. She had protected and hidden the Jewish spies when their lives were threatened; at the risk of being killed herself.
Now the author seems to be saying. How many more examples of Trusting Faith do I need to give you? He mentions others who also acted out of Trusting obedient Faith: Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the Prophets. All these Faithful people went through terrible trials, suffering, hardships and even death; yet all remained Faithful to God. All true Faith is tested. Everyone who claims to be a true Believer in Jesus as Lord, God and Savior, will be tested and tried and will suffer. This suffering and persecution should always strengthen our Faith. We cannot know how strong our Faith is until it is tested by God. We THINK we are strong and courageous Christians UNTIL the trials and sufferings come. The strength, stamina, perseverance and fortitude to stand strong in the face of sufferings always comes from the Holy Spirit. If you have, or are, suffering some sort of trial, because of your Faith; be of good cheer, Jesus tells you that “Your reward in Heaven shall be great!”
All these Faithful Believers conquered kingdoms, (Joshua, the Judges and David) worked God’s righteousness, (David and Samuel) received promises from God, (Gideon, Barak and David) shut the mouths of lions, (Daniel, Samson, Benaiah, and David) quenched the power of fire, (Daniel’s three friends) escaped the edge of the sword (Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jephthah and David) had their weaknesses turned into strength, (Gideon, Samson and David) grew mighty in battle and routed foreign armies, (Joshua, Barak, David and Jehoshaphat).
Through Faith women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured to death, refusing to deny their Faith, being willing to die a painful death, knowing they would be resurrected to eternal life. (See I Kings 17:17-24; II Kinds 4:25-37) Even today, we are seeing Faithful Believers tortured and beheaded for their Faith! These Faithful Believers know through Faith, that their reward in Heaven will be great. (36). Others with great Faith underwent mockings, (Jeremiah) whippings, then were chained and imprisoned. (Joseph). Some of the Hebrews had already endured these types of trials and sufferings. (37.) Some of these of Trusting Faith were stoned, (Zechariah) many tempted to deny God, (Joseph) some sawn asunder, (perhaps Isaiah) murdered by the sword, (Uriah) others wandered in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted, mistreated, (Elijah and other Prophets). The author continues to list the various types and kinds of trials, persecutions, sufferings, tortures and death Faithful Believers down through the ages had already suffered as followers of the One True God.
Of all these Faithful ones the World is not Worthy! Other Faithful men were forced to wander in the deserts and mountains; driven to existing in dens and caves of the earth. (Obadiah and Elijah and his followers) Some of the Hebrews were already homeless and suffering greatly because of their Faith in Jesus as Messiah. May we, today, be humbled and convicted by our easy, selfish lives; doing only the smallest amount as a mere token of our Faith. May Jesus have mercy on us if we fail to hear His voice through His Word calling us to obedience to deny ourselves; calling us to really sacrifice and seek to give ourselves and all we have for Him. Oh, that we would truly be willing to give up our paltry earthly “riches” in order to follow Jesus with all our heart, soul and spirit. May we daily seek to see the Face of God in His Word and ask the Holy Spirit to lead us in completely giving ourselves to the One Who died for us.
All of these Faithful Believers were proved Faithful by their Trusting God. Yet they did not receive what God had promised; because God had a bigger, greater plan for all mankind. A plan that involves all of us down through the ages. A plan that will be fulfilled in the future. God’s perfect plan is twofold: God will transform each of us into the perfect glorified person He meant us to be; and bring us into His Eternal Kingdom. These Faithful Believers will also be made perfect with us. We know that the Messianic Kingdom promises have not yet been fulfilled, yet we trust that God will keep His promises and bring us Glorified into His Eternal Kingdom. This wonderful magnificent plan of Gods is one that will be fulfilled with all true Believers being joined together in an unbelievable perfect joyous union with our Creator, Savior and Lord, Jesus. Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Pray for TRUE FAITH; a Faith that enables you to be obedient to God’s Will. A Faith that sustains you in times of temptation; and in times of suffering and tribulation. A Faith that calls you to truly sacrifice on behalf of the Kingdom of God and our Lord, God and Savior!
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