YESHUA, New and Better Deliverer
The writer of Hebrews now refers back to Melchizedek, whom is again identified as King of Salem (Jerusalem) AND a Priest of the Most High God. This is very important as the Hebrews knew that the Levites could NEVER be Kings, nor could a King be a Priest. Thus, the ORIGINAL identification of someone as BOTH King and Priest is referenced here and will be further explained. As a serious student of the Bible, we all know the story of Abraham and Lot: the fierce battles that had occurred and Sodom and Gomorrah being pillaged and all the people, including Lot and his family being taken captive. Abraham is told of the disaster and he assembles his own personal army from his servants, and goes after the various kings to rescue Lot and his family. God is with Abraham and he is able to use clever strategy and attacks them at night, taking them by surprise and scatters the armies and is able to recover all the goods as well as Lot and his family and all the people. Quite a miraculous recovery! So, on the way back to his, Abraham is met by this unusual person, identified as Melchizedek, both King and Priest. Melchizedek brings forth both bread and wine (remember this important action and comparison) and then blesses Abraham with the words: “Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of Heaven and Earth: and Blessed be the Most High God, which has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Notice Who owns Heaven and Earth; and Who gave the victory to Abraham?! (See Genesis 14:5-20)
The writer continues with the explanations and comparisons: And then Abraham gave Melchizedek tithes of all he had. (Genesis 14:20) The fact that Abraham gave the full tithe to Melchizedek indicates that Abraham recognized him as worthy of the tithe for God. Melchizedek was first, the King of righteousness, and then also the King of Salem, or King of Peace. (Isa. 9: 6-7) Righteousness always comes FIRST, then Peace would follow righteousness. We cannot have peace if we reject righteousness. It is impossible. (3.) Melchizedek was a type, or kind, of forerunner to the coming Messiah. Many theologians believe that Melchizedek was actually a Theophany of Jesus. Thus the writer wants the Hebrews, and us, to understand the prophetic nature of Melchizedek relating to Jesus, Yeshua, as Savior. There is no record, or genealogy, of any father or mother for Melchizedek, or even his death; this would make his role in scripture a ‘type’ of the ‘Son of God’, who would bring righteousness and peace, and be a King and Priest forever.
Melchizedek, and the Messiah, had many prophetic similarities: Melchizedek was a Priest and a King, he gave a specific blessing to Abraham, also revealing God’s miraculous intervention in his life. Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek recognizing his superiority and worthiness. Jesus is also superior over any other priesthood. Melchizedek was an ‘independent’ high priest, just as Jesus is our ‘independent’ High Priest. The Melchizedekian Priesthood was timeless. The Biblical record gives no time frames, beginning or end of Melchizedek, or his priesthood. Jesus is also our High Priest forever, being ‘timeless’. The Jewish priests could only serve from age 25 or 30, to 50 or 55 (Numbers 8:24-25) Last, the Melchizedekian Priesthood ministered to everyone, no limitations. The Levitical Priesthood was only to the nation of Israel. Jesus is a High Priest for all who would come to him. Keep in mind that Melchizedek served as Priest and King hundreds of years BEFORE the Levitical Priesthood was even established.
The writer asks his readers to consider, that is to carefully analyze, how great Melchizedek was, that even the patriarch Abraham would give him the best of all the spoils. The Holy Spirit wanted the Hebrews to recognize that there are boundaries and limitations to Judaism. Jesus has no boundaries or limitations. In addition, Jesus did not begin to exist at any time, He has always been in existence, and will always exist. Types, or kinds, of persons who represent a Truth of the Bible for the future are given to make us think carefully, and prayerfully, about our own future relationship with Jesus. For example, there are six Gentile brides who are carefully listed in the Bible in the Genealogy of Jesus: Eve (Adam), Rebekah (Isaac), Asenath (Joseph), Zipporah (Moses), Rahab (Salmon) and Ruth (Boaz). Note that NONE of these brides ever have their death recorded! Important Truths often come in sevens. The ‘seventh bride’ is in all probability the Bride of Christ, that’s us! Consider carefully all these interesting and thought provoking speculations.
Levites, as priests, were commanded to take tithes of the Jewish people. Since all the Levites were descendants of Abraham, they were all subordinate to him, or inferior to his authority.
(6.) The writer points out that Melchizedek could not have been a Levitical priest because Levi did not even exist yet! Yet Melchizedek was the one who gave the blessing to Abraham; keep in mind that Abraham was the one who already possessed the promises of God. Sometimes we all need to have God jolt us into thinking “outside the box”, so to speak, or differently from how we have always believed. This is difficult, because we thought “the way it was” was already correct. That is exactly how the Hebrews were thinking. In our time, we need to recognize that we don’t have ALL the Truth. God’s Word is so powerful and deep, that NO ONE understands it completely. We need to be open to hear the Truth the Holy Spirit reveals to each of us. This Truth will ALWAYS be confirmed by God’s Word.
We all recognize that the person with the higher status, or authority, is the one who grants the blessings. Since Abraham tithes to Melchizedek, he recognized that he was less in status than Melchizedek, and was blessed by him. (8.) Here on earth, the men who receive the tithes will all die. Yet, in this case, Melchizedek; it appears that the tithe goes to one who the witness says ‘he lives’. This prophetically points to the One who truly Lives Forever, Jesus.
Because we know through the knowledge of DNA, that each of us are genetically tied to our ancestors, we can better understand the Jewish thinking of “Levi paying the tithe, through his ancestor Abraham, to Melchizedek.” Obviously, because Levites are of the Jewish nation that came from Abraham, they could claim the blessings and the historical tithe.
Now the writer ties all this thought process together to help us reach a logical conclusion regarding the need for a “Perfect High Priest”. IF the Levitical priesthood was perfect, then there would be no need that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek. The writer will carefully, and graciously, outline why there is a need for a Perfect High Priest who would supersede the imperfect, incomplete, temporary, priesthood that had existed. The writer did not want to offend the Hebrews so that they would not listen to the Biblical Truth of the necessity of the Messiah – Savior. The law NEVER gave redemption and acceptance before God to the people. Their sins were simply “covered” by the sacrifices. Remember, Jesus even said He came to “fulfill all the law”. By “all the law” Jesus is referring to the Torah. Jesus actually fulfilled and transformed the law into it’s true function. The Laws of God are meant to protect us, guide us, and eventually transform us into His perfect people. The problem is SIN! We are weak flesh and we fail to obey the law completely; God clearly identifies that as sin.
Now, it is logical to surmise that as the priesthood is being changed, so also the law must be changed, or updated and fulfilled, as it were. The Mosaic Law was part of the Levitical priesthood where they offered bloody sacrifices over and over. Believers are no longer under the Mosaic Law. We have been freed from all the law requirements of DOING and are to BECOME children of the Living God. What a tremendous difference of having the privilege of Becoming God’s child. God does have a perfect plan for your life! That plan is for the image of the Living God to appear in your very being. We are being transformed ~ Sanctified ~ into the men and women God meant for us to be. God promised and guaranteed that we will be Glorified with Jesus! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
The Holy Spirit continues to reveal the Truth that the One of whom all this was spoken was not a Levite, but was of the lineage of another tribe. Remember, the Hebrews firmly believed that only a Levite could become a priest. So the writer is laying the groundwork to clearly help them see the Truth that the prophesied Messiah was to be both King and Priest; yet was not a Levite. (14.) All of you know that our Lord Jesus came from the tribe of Judah. Yet Moses said nothing about priests coming from that tribe. There is an apparent contradiction with what the writer is saying, and what they know to be “the truth”. The writer is meeting the arguments he knows will be used to discount Jesus as the High Priest. This is a reminder to us to never think that we “know it all” and have all truth. Remember, think ‘outside the box’.
Now all this becomes more evident when another priest arises Who bears the likeness, actually is modeled after, Melchizedek; yet He is of a different ‘kind’. The Holy Spirit is carefully recalling all the Biblical foreshadowing of a coming Messiah Who would meet, and fulfill, ALL the requirements of the Messiah. Remember, there are hundreds of prophecies regarding Who Jesus is. (16.) Now the Holy Spirit reveals the true requirement for this perfect High Priest. This High Priest is One Who has been ordained on the basis of His Power of an indestructible life ~ that is Eternal Life. The old priesthood was totally lacking in the power and might of the new High Priest.
Comparisons: The old priesthood was based on the Law ~ it was outward; the new is based upon inward power ~ and is inward. The old system was based on the genealogy ~ the father was a priest, then the son could be priest; resulting in some wicked men being very unholy priests in Jewish history (example: Samuel’s sons). This One had been made ~ in the Greek means an eternal abiding nature ~ He continues forever to be a Priest. Jesus became our High Priest after His resurrection ~ showing forth His Eternal endless Life. Jesus IS our Eternal High Priest!
Now the Holy Spirit quotes the Word of God, Psalm 110:4 “You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek”. This confirms two important Truths: The Priesthood was eternal and the character, or nature of this new priesthood was Someone Who is Eternal. This was the fulfillment of the prophecy given under the Mosaic Law. Note how clearly and carefully the writer has revealed these Truths to the Hebrews ~ and to us.
Now the writer summarizes briefly the Truths he has revealed to the readers: The Law, with all its external requirements, has been disannulled, or cancelled, because it was weak and ineffective. The Law only served to show us how weak and sinful we are; it could never make us holy, righteous and perfect! The Law just showed us that we clearly need a Savior! We realize that only God can provide us with righteousness, through Jesus, which allows us to be in His presence. We can only access God, through Jesus ~ this means we absolutely MUST Believe He is God’s Holy Son; died on the cross for our sin; then rose from the dead; we then MUST confess our sins AND repent of sin. We ask God, through the Holy Spirit, to dwell within us and take over our life. Then, and ONLY then, can we begin to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus. Remember, we have learned that we CAN’T obey God on our own ~ we can only obey through the Power of the Holy Spirit. We deceive ourselves if we think we can just mouth the words “I believe in Jesus” and not truly Believe AND act on that belief. All actions are required. Sadly, there are thousands of people who THINK they are Christians just because they said “I believe in Jesus”. Yet by all the Words of God in the Bible, it is very clear that not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” is a Believer.
Jesus was the fulfillment of an Oath and Promise of God. God said: “You are a Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” The Levitical priests were not set up with an oath or promise. The priesthood was only genealogical. Yet the Melchizedek Priesthood was unique, it was by divine oath (Psalm 110:4). EVERYTHING that God establishes by an Oath becomes permanent and unchangeable. We can be assured and certain of our Salvation and Sanctification and future Glorification because we KNOW that God keeps His Word Forever! These Truths should be a great encouragement to us. We experience a sense of security and confidence that no unbeliever can ever understand.
The Guarantee, or Surety, is someone who gives himself as the ultimate security deposit. Jesus gives Himself as the best and Eternal Surety. When a person is willing to give himself as a guarantee, it is the ultimate in a secure guarantor. Judah was willing to become a surety for the return of his brothers in Genesis 43:3-9. This ‘security deposit’ foreshadows the Ultimate Surety which is in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, non other than Jesus Christ. As we study this epistle, notice how many times we see the word testament or covenant. This new covenant is Jesus Christ Himself. He IS our ultimate security and the Guarantee of all He has promised!
The writer reminds them that the priests of old all died and had to be replaced, thus there was always another one coming along; which may not honor God and adequately represent them. Yet, our New High Priest is forever, entirely and completely reliable and trustworthy, because Jesus is Eternal. Other contrasts between the two Priesthoods: The Law restrains, or forbids ~ Power of God enables; The Commandments were external ~ Life is internal; the Carnal was of the flesh ~ Endless life is Eternal Life; one is changing ~ the new is Unchanging, remaining forever; the old represents weakness ~ the New brings us close to God; old is imperfect ~ New offers us the true Hope.
Because of all this, He, Jesus, is able to deliver to the uttermost, all those who approach God through Him. This means that nothing, no one, nor any condition nor situation would exclude us from God! Jesus makes intercession for us. See Romans 5;10; 1 John 1:21. The basis of our eternal security doesn’t depend on us, it depends on Jesus, and he can save forever because His Priesthood is Forever. Wow, what a wonderful guarantee and promise! Remember, IF your salvation depended on you; you could fail and lose it. BUT, it depends entirely on Jesus, and He can never fail; therefore you CANNOT EVER lose your salvation!
Now the writer gives us the kind of High Priest we have by giving us a brief description of His character traits. He is Holy; Guileless ~ completely without evil in His thoughts or actions; Undefiled ~ His moral purity is perfect; separated from sinners; raised higher than the heavens.
(27.) The Levitical priests had to continually offer sacrifices for their own sins and sins of the people. Sins were only covered, not forgiven. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, completely paying the terrible, horrible price of death for the sins of all mankind, forever. God judged ALL sin on the cross of Christ. Your sins and my sins have already been forgiven; are you confessing and repenting and ACCEPTING God’s provision? Or, are you hanging on to your sins and denying the salvation Jesus already paid for. Think it through carefully; then confess and repent daily.
The law made sinful men priests; but the Word of the Oath makes the Son of God, One without sin, to be the perfect ultimate sacrifice. Jesus, as High Priest, offered Himself, without spot or blemish; He is the ultimate expression of perfection, Guaranteed by God! Jesus paid the price once and forever, for all those who truly Believe.
Only through true RECONCILIATION with God can we ever hope to have a personal RELATIONSHIP with God. This reconciliation is given only by Jesus through His sacrificial death on the cross on our behalf. Our acceptance, or rejection, of His ultimate sacrifice, will determine our reconciliation and forgiveness of sins. This reconciliation and forgiveness is a miracle given by God’s Mercy and Grace. We do absolutely nothing to earn it. As we seek God with all our heart mind and soul, our spirit yields to the Holy Spirit and seeks to know, love and serve God. As we obey, by yielding to the Holy Spirit, we are slowly transformed spiritually into the image and likeness of our Creator God. Carefully, and prayerfully go over each section, each word, of this chapter. Be prepared for some astounding Truths that God will reveal to you for your own life as you diligently and prayerfully seek Him and His Truth. Shalom!
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