Practical Biblical Advice for Believers
Again, James uses the full title of who Jesus is Lord Jesus Christ; Adonai Yeshua Messiah. This Chapter is a continuation of Chapter One, verse 27, immediately following the admonition to keep oneself morally uncontaminated from the world. So, in addition, James is telling us we are to emulate our Messiah by not showing any favoritism to any person. Our tendency to judge or evaluate a person’s worth, or identity, is nearly always according to the values of the world, not the value Jesus places on a person. 2. – 3. Therefore, we are to treat the rich, beautiful, handsome, richly adorned, refined people the same as the poor, uneducated, ignorant, shabbily dressed people. Our true heart condition is revealed by the way we perceive and treat ‘the least of men’. The value of a person is NOT measured by their looks, wealth, position, or education; rather, it is their value as a child of the Living God, Creator of the Universe. Peter learned this lesson and revealed this truth in Acts 10:38, 42-45. We are also to treat unbelievers with patient, loving truth; realizing that they are being held captive by an evil force ~ SIN! If they are not ‘born again from above’ then they really don’t know who God is; nor do they really understand who Jesus is! They are influenced by the world, the flesh and the Devil. You and I are PRIVILEGED to be influenced by the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and Jesus. Can you see the difference? We have all the advantages of being able to see and understand the truth of God’s Word; clearly being shown what is righteous and holy; they can’t understand true righteousness, nor recognize what is evil, and are without hope! See 1 Corinth. 1:26-29. Our only hope, and theirs, always lies with Jesus.
Now, once a person becomes a Believer, accepting Jesus as their Lord, God and Savior; they are just as valuable as you, or the wealthiest or poorest person in your community of Believers. 5. We tend to think persons like Billy Graham have more value to God then we do, or the person who seems less ‘spiritual’, less value. We are all guilty of judging others. ‘Well, they don’t attend Church every Sunday, and they do such and such, so they’re not such good Christians.’ Sound familiar? We are just as guilty when we judge people to be less valuable, because they are only ‘pew warmers’, or some other label we attach to others who may appear to do less than we do. We tend to ‘judge’ others based on our ‘self-perception’! Who do we think we are! Would Jesus approve such spiritual snobbery? Hardly! See Ephesians 2:11-22. We should be thankful that we are able to serve our Christian Community in some manner, not somehow think, foolishly, that we are ‘better’ than some other Believer! Shame, shame, on us. Remember, in James’s day and age, the Jews never even associated with the ‘lowly’, often hated, Gentiles! Yet here they were, gladly, and lovingly, welcoming those ‘lowlifes’ into their spiritual community of Believers! See 1 John 4:20. What a lesson for us, the 21st century spiritual snobs! Think of Jesus, as a human being, He was so poor, that He was born in a borrowed stable. He had to borrow loaves and fishes from a little boy to feed the crowd. In Matt. 8:20 he stated that He had nowhere to lay his head, meaning He was homeless! He even borrowed a donkey to present Himself to Jerusalem. He borrowed a room to celebrate Passover. He even died on a ‘borrowed’ cross, remember, it was really meant for Barabbas, not Jesus! Again, we should hang our heads in shame, and repent of such an unspiritual and unscriptural attitude.
Now James really lays it on by pointing out that we insult and humiliate the poor by our treatment of them. Then he correctly points out the truth that it’s the rich men (who were the most powerful in their day) who take advantage of the people in the legal arena. In our day, the corrupt politicians continually take advantage of the average person, for their own gain. We need to continually pray for those who are in leadership, that they would do what is right and just, according to biblical values, not for their own agenda. 7. It is not only our politicians, but those who are wealthy who promote evil. Billionaires, like George Sorros, and others, promote immorality, murder, and plunder of the poor under twisted terminology, to confuse the average person. The rich people in the entertainment industry, blaspheme our Lord and Savior and dishonor our Country and those who promote Biblical values. Our beloved Country was founded on Biblical values, yet they have been stripped away, twisted, and distorted to allow evil men to rule us in a way that God never intended. Our Country was founded on Biblical principles, with the miraculous help of God; with the intent that we, as Believers, would bring the good news of Jesus, as Lord, God and Savior, to a lost and dying world. We must commit ourselves to continue to pray for that goal, and to do everything within our means to share Jesus with the spiritually lost. Anyone who wishes, may use our Live Forever flyer and Thank You note to reach out to those who are poor and needy. You are strongly encouraged to support a godly group, or organization, that seeks to help the poor and share the Truth of Jesus.
James now comes to the ‘bottom line’; the ‘royal law’: Loving your neighbor, as you love yourself. See Leviticus 19:18. Who is this neighbor? See Luke 10:25-37. Keep in mind that obeying this command, given by Jesus, makes you royalty, along with your King Jesus. Disobeying it makes you a slave. It’s your choice, remain a slave, or chose to become Royalty. Keep in mind that true LOVE which refers to AGAPE, is a choice, not an emotion. This kind of true LOVE is UNCONDITIONAL. We make a deliberate choice to love the poor and needy by donating to the Food Bank, Samaritan’s Purse, using the Thank You card, etc., all to reach the poor for Jesus. Remember, if we do NOTHING to help a person with their physical needs, they will never believe we care about their spiritual needs. Jesus fed the poor, after telling them about the Kingdom of God. He preached truth and salvation and healed the sick and dying. He shared the truth of Eternal Life with His Father in Heaven and cast out demons. Wherever Jesus went, He did good for people; both physically and spiritually. Does this tell us how He wants us to reach the poor? I think it paints a very clear picture and guideline of how we are to be following Jesus, doing just as He did.
BUT here it is again, so pay attention: IF you favor the rich, good looking, influential, powerful people, over the poor and lowly, you are committing sin. Oh, Oh! 10. James reminds us that if we just sin in only one area, we are guilty of all areas. We are guilty before God, and absolutely MUST commit our lives to Jesus for salvation. 11. Now James names just two of the ten commandments, Murder and Adultery; reminding us that we are guilty as lawbreakers, even if we only break one commandment. Keep in mind what Jesus taught about these same two commandments: IF you even think an immoral thought; then you have committed adultery. IF you hate, or are even angry, with someone, even just in your mind; then you have committed murder. Stop and read Matt. 5: 21-22, 27-28. So, how are we all doing? Guilty, or innocent, on both commandments? Now, we see and understand why we so desperately need Salvation through Jesus. There is no possible way we can be justified before our Perfect, Holy, Pure, Sinless, Creator, God and Lord; without the redemption given by Yeshua on the cross.
James tells us that we must speak and act as people who are judged under the law of Liberty. This Law of Liberty refers to the commandments given by Jesus, to us, as Believers, especially regarding Love. Judged? Since you and I know that Jesus will not judge us for our confessed sins, yet we also know our ‘works’ will be judged and rewarded. See 2 Corinth. 5:9-10, Col. 3:22-25. Yet, we must remember that our WORDS will also be judged. See Rom. 14:10-13. Jesus warned us for every ‘idle word’ we speak, we must give an account of on the day of judgment. See Matt. 12:36. So both our works and words will be judged. God will remember our sins no more, See Heb. 10:17; but those sins, both words and actions, affect both our character and our works. We say we want to develop godly character traits; yet our words and actions affect this aspect of who we are, our very souls. We want to follow Jesus and have fruitful works that count for all eternity. Yet, our words and actions affect and determine our relationship with Jesus, and the works we perform.
Judgment and Mercy. This is James Key Point, so don’t miss it! We often forget that God grants us Mercy by not Judging us for our sins; we deserve to be judged GUILTY, GUILTY! Yet, Jesus’ death on the cross PAID for our Death sentence, which we rightly deserved. Yet God also gives us Grace, which is what we do not deserve, giving us Freedom from the Power of Sin, and Eternal Life with Him. That undeserved Grace should jolt us to realize how much Mercy and Grace we should bestow on others. Even though someone ‘deserves’ judgment, we can choose to give them undeserved Mercy. Is it easy? Never! Especially if they have harmed us, or a loved one, in some way. Yet, we must have a drastic ‘attitude adjustment’ to truly grant Mercy and Grace to others, especially those that we judge as ‘not deserving’. So, James wants us to realize that IF we FOOLISHLY refuse to show Mercy, then God MUST judge us accordingly. God is gracious, yet He IS going to Judge us. That Truth should cause us to seriously reconsider our unforgiving attitude. Notice how James ended his admonition? That MERCY rejoices, or exults victoriously, over and against Judgment! So many people, both Believers and unbelievers, say that they want JUSTICE, which is asking for JUDGMENT! They fail to understand that True Justice, will NEVER be what they want, what they really should be asking for is MERCY and GRACE. None of us should be so foolish to demand “What I deserve!” Why? Because we ALL deserve DEATH! See the Charlotte Elliott story. (Author of: Just as I Am).
True Faith ~ EXACTLY What is it? This is a Key Truth that all of us MUST grasp and understand, not just intellectually, but deep within our heart and soul. It is a Truth that ONLY the power of the Holy Spirit can make a REALITY in your soul and spirit. So, we are going to search God’s Word for the correct understanding of True Faith. 14a. The SINNER, (that’s us) is saved by Faith! Eph. 2:8-10. 14b. The True Believer MUST walk, that is LIVE, by Faith. 2 Cor. 5:7. (Read Amplified Version for clarity) 14c. Without True Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. (Heb. 11:6. 14d. Whatever we do, without Faith, is SIN! Rom. 14:23, 1 Cor. 3:11-15. TRUE FAITH is a sure confidence that God’s Eternal, inerrant, Word is always TRUE. Notice that it is not a “feeling”. So, what kind of Faith saves a person? James now outlines for us the three kinds of “faith”: What good is it if a person claims to have faith, yet has no works? Can that kind of ‘faith’ save him? Good question… let’s get some True Biblical answers.
If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, this would indicate that person is in a needy condition! See Galatians 6:10. Also see Matthew 25:31-46. 16. So, your response to the person in need is a lovely prayer and a wish for them to become warm and have food. Yet, you physically do nothing to alleviate their desperate needs. Read 1 John 3:17-19. Referring to ‘Rich’ people. Also see Luke 10:25-37. Priest, Levite, and Samaritan. Any so-called Faith, that does not demonstrate a changed life and practical works, in obedience to God’s Word; is a false declaration of ‘faith’ and cannot save their Eternal soul.
Just in case you missed this Truth; James clearly states that ‘faith’ with no godly works, is DEAD, WORTHLESS, USELESS, A LIE! John Calvin stated that ‘It is by faith alone that one is justified, but faith that justifies is never alone.’ Faith without authenticating actions is a VAIN faith. That ‘faith’ Cannot save your soul. Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should walk in them.” God created us as His workmanship, Born Again; and planned a good life for us, that we are to live out in doing His pre-planned good works for His Kingdom.
Now James deals with ‘arguments’ or ‘self-justifications’. Read Amplified Version of verses 18-20, for clarity and understanding. 19. But, I believe in God! I even believe in The One True God! How many of us have heard this claim, or a variation of this? So, James deals with that statement. He rightly points out that Satan, and his demons, ALL believe in God; in fact, they are so sure that God is Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, and their Creator; that they shudder in terror and horror, knowing what is coming to them in the end times! The demons bore witness to His Sonship in Mark 3:11-12; Matt. 8:29-34 & Luke 8:26-37. The demons know and acknowledge the existence of a place of punishment, See Luke 8:31, Mat. 8:29. They know Jesus is the coming Judge of the Universe. Mark 5:1-13. They are terrified of the Eternal Lake of Fire! We should pay close attention to what is revealed through the demons’ fears! This should confirm, without a doubt, the existence of Eternal Punishment! Those who claim to not believe in Hell, are fools. 20. James is so concerned about this issue of True Faith, that he continues with Biblical Proof of the necessity of Faith producing godly works, by quoting from Genesis 22:1-14. All these Believers clearly knew who Abraham was, their forefather! He recounts how Abraham was willing to sacrifice his beloved son of God’s promise, Isaac, on an altar to God; in OBEDIENCE to what he believed God had asked of him. No argument, no bargaining, just Faith-filled Obedience. James knows that people can be enlightened in their minds, and even stirred in their hearts, and yet still be lost forever, because they refuse to accept True Faith!!!
James tells his readers that certainly they must now see, and understand completely, that Abrahams Faith was proved, or shown by, his actions in obeying God’s command. Abraham was justified by his works, based on his True Faith. We sometimes fail to realize the extent of Abrahams Faith. He trusted that God would bring both he and Isaac back from the mountain. See Gen. 22:4-5 & Heb. 11:17-19. Justification is not a process; it is an act of God on behalf of the sinner. Our minds must understand the Truth; then our hearts must desire the Trust; then our wills must ACT ON the Truth. Skip any one of these, and faith is nothing, absolutely worthless!
James continues his brilliant explanation of how Faith and Works work hand in hand to confirm a Believers’ complete Trust in God. Faith made perfect, refers to the active expression of one’s Faith in the obedient works. 23. This supreme expression of Faith, which results in works, reveals to us why God determined that Abraham was righteous, and calls Abraham His Friend. Gen. 15:6, II Chron. 20:7, Isa. 41:8; Also see Rom. 4:1-5 & Gal. 3:6-7.
Now in summary, James tells his readers, and us, how we must surely now see and understand how, by godly works, a man is justified, and not by Faith alone. Although we know that we are saved by Faith; that Faith must be proved by our actions. It is oh, so easy to say, “I believe in Jesus”, and quite another thing to be willing to die, to self, for Jesus. IF we truly believe Jesus is our God, Creator and Savior, and that ALL He reveals to us in His Word, is to be obeyed and acted upon, then our entire lives will be lived out in Faith and obedient works. On the flip side, Titus 1:16 tells us that those who claim to believe in Jesus, yet live out their lives only for themselves, are disobedient, disloyal, rebellious and are unfit and worthless for any good work. 25. James also gives the example of Rahab the harlot, as being justified, meaning she was also pronounced righteous before God by her good works. See Joshua 2:1-21. James uses two people, one considered the Father of the Jewish people, highly esteemed and honored; and the other, a despised foreigner, a woman, the lowest of the low, a prostitute; as an example, to us. Can we see how God’s Truth of a person’s value and worth is different from our perception?
James gives us the final summary of True Faith and Works. He tells us that our body without our spirit is dead. Faith without godly works is also DEAD, meaning worthless, useless, powerless, counterfeit, an imposter. Only God knows a person’s heart, and their Faith. Is it time to Pray about YOUR TRUE Faith?
Lord, we pray that we will honestly assess our lives to determine IF we are True Believers. If you have any doubt, pray, seek God’s wisdom, by going back over ALL these scriptures, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind and heart. This is far too important an issue to just skip over; your Eternal destination is at stake! You owe it to yourself, and those you love, to make certain you are a True Believer!
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