Romans: Chapter 15

Expositional Commentary

Our Responsibility, and Privilege, as Mature Christians, is to Follow the Example of Jesus.


Paul reminds us, since we are the strong and mature Believers, that we should help carry the doubts and failings of others to help them grow in Christ. Building up the Body of Christ is more important than pleasing ourselves. (2.) We must consider others’ needs above our own, because we want the weak to become strong. The best for others will be what helps them to become strengthened and built up spiritually. (3.) Our example is Jesus Himself. He never gave any thought to His own needs. He fulfilled the scriptures by accepting the reproaches and abuses of others all for our benefit. Psalm 69:9; Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. IF you consider yourself a mature Believer, is this the way you act?


Everything written in the scriptures is written for our instruction and learning; that by our steadfast and patient endurance and the encouragement drawn from the Scriptures we might hold fast to, and cherish Hope. All Scripture points to Jesus. All of God’s Word is deliberately designed to give us Hope and have meaning to us today! Outside of the Word of God is no hope! Note that William H. McGuffey published the Mcguffey Reader in 1836; one of the United States’ first and most widely used series of textbooks in PUBLIC education; taking the selections used from the Sacred Scriptures. He stated that anyone who objected to filling the minds of youth with the language and spirit of the Word of God, was to be pitied.


Right now, today, may our God Who gives the power of patient endurance and Who supplies encouragement, grant us to live in such mutual harmony, being like-minded toward each other, all according to Jesus Christ. (6.) Together, with united hearts and as one voice, we praise and glorify our God and Father of our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus. All the words of the Scriptures are to be read and applied to us today in every aspect of our lives.


Therefore, (that is, because of these Truths) Paul commands us to welcome and receive in our hearts, one another in love, Just as Jesus has welcomed and received us as His own, all for the glory of God. We must continually be honoring God in our lives. We see the need for unity and love to become a reality in the Body of Christ.


Paul tells us clearly that our Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, became a humble servant and a minister to the Jews in order to show God’s eternal Truthfulness and honesty by confirming and verifying the promises given to the Patriarchs. AND (9.) Also so that the Gentile nations, (whenever you see ‘GENTILE’; think; that’s me!) might glorify God for His mercy to them. Psalm 18:49 is fulfilled: “Therefore I will praise You among the Gentiles and sing praises to Your name.” Are YOU glorifying God for His mercy and grace to you?


Again, in the Scriptures God says “Rejoice and exult, O Gentiles, rejoice along with His own people.” Deut. 32; 43. And again it is said: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the nations praise Him.” Psalm 117:1. (12.) Even Isaiah says “There shall be a Sprout from the Root of Jesse, He Who rises shall rule over the Gentiles; in Him shall the Gentiles hope.” Isaiah 11:1, 10: Rev. 5:5: 22:16.

Paul gives us Scripture after Scripture to show us the prophecy that God continually foretold and promised Jesus, not just for the Jew, but also coming for our Salvation and that we might be the Gentiles who would honor, praise and glorify Him. What a fantastic privilege and blessing! Exactly how are you honoring, praising and glorifying God?


Now Paul encourages us to allow our God, the God of our only True Hope to fill us with joy and peace in believing through our experience and application of our Faith, that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we would allow Him to dominate our lives, actually overflowing with Hope. We must choose to allow the Holy Spirit to continually seek ways to be in the center of God’s Will, living our lives minute by minute in obedience to Him. Notice that it is always our choice to obey the leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Keep in mind that without God, we have absolutely NO HOPE!


Paul assures the True Believers that he is satisfied about their Faith, that they are all rich in goodness, amply filled with spiritual knowledge and understanding and competent to admonish and counsel and instruct one another. Paul clearly tells us that we are to learn from one another, through the Holy Spirit. Do you see, and understand, how the Body of Christ is to work and operate in Love and Faith?


Paul admits that he is writing boldly in reminding the Roman Believers of all these Truths because of the Grace and unmerited favor given to him by God. Keep in mind that Paul is writing to people in Rome that he has not yet met. (16.) God made Paul a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, acting in the service of the Gospel so that the sacrificial offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable to God, consecrated and made holy by the Holy Spirit.


Paul assures them that the reason he can glory and exult in his work for God, is it is through Christ Jesus (Yeshua) that he has accomplished the things of God. He is careful to give full credit to Jesus for his work. We must always give full credit to Jesus for any success we may have. He alone gives us the talents, strength, and wisdom to succeed.


Therefore; (again, because of the previous Truths he is sharing) Paul assures them that he would never dare to speak of any work except that which Christ Jesus has actually done through him; acknowledging that he is only an instrument in the Hand of God. All for the purpose to encourage and win obedience from the Gentiles. (19.) All the mighty signs and wonders have been by the power of the Holy Spirit. The result of these signs and wonders is seen from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum. The signs and wonders serve to authenticate the Truth of the Gospel. Paul assured them that he had faithfully accomplished and carried out the Truth of the Good News of Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah.


Paul says his goal and ambition has been to preach the Gospel, not where Jesus’ name is already well known; not wanting to usurp another man’s work; (21.) But instead, he would act on the principle as it is written: “They shall see who have never been told of Him and they shall understand who have never heard of Him.” Isaiah 52:15. Paul knew he was to teach and preach to Gentiles who had never heard of Jesus. (22.) This very ambition is the reason why he had been so frequently been hindered from coming to visit them. Paul clearly understood that the evil one was doing everything possible to stop him from teaching the Truth of the Gospel. If you have ever experienced an unseen enemy trying to hinder your efforts to share the Gospel, you can understand Paul’s situation.


Paul now believes that he has no further opportunity for work in these regions and since he has longed for years to come to them, he hopes to see them in passing through Rome as he goes on his intended trip to Spain. He shares his hope that they will aid him on his journey after he has spent some time with them, enjoying their company for a little while. Paul clearly lays out his plans to come and visit them and fellowship with them, and no doubt teach them, on his way to Spain.


But, Now Paul tells them he must first go on to Jerusalem to minister, that is to bring aid, to the Believers. (26.) Paul lets them know that the Believers in Macedonia and Achaia had made contributions for the poor in Jerusalem. (27.) Paul shares that they were pleased and honored to contribute to the poor in Jerusalem, saying they are in debt to them, because they, the Gentiles, have come to share in the Jew’s spiritual blessing; thus they want to be of service to them in giving them material blessings. That is also our calling; we who have been blessed with great spiritual blessings, are to share with the poor, the least of men, our material blessings, AND at the same time, share the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus, as Lord, God and Savior. See Matthew 25: 31-46; consider the THANK YOU, LIVE FOREVER Ministry.


THEREFORE, Once again Paul tells them that when he has completed this mission and delivered the aide to those in Jerusalem, then he would come to see them on his way to Spain. He clearly reiterates his travel plans to come to see them. (29.) Paul is very confident that when he comes to them, he will come in the abundant blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Now Paul fervently appeals to them, as brothers in Christ Jesus, and for the glory and honor of Jesus, all by the love given by the Holy Spirit, to unite with him in earnest striving prayers to God on his behalf. Paul urges them to pray diligently that he would be delivered and rescued from the unbelievers in Judea and that his mission of relief to Jerusalem may be acceptable and graciously received by the saints. Notice that Paul knows that it is only by God’s will that he would be able to come to them with joy, and a happy heart, and be refreshed by the time of rest with them. Obviously, Paul is quite aware of those who would want him killed, and are plotting against him. Notice this one time that Paul fervently asks for diligent prayer; meaning he needs unceasing, fervent, heart-felt prayer on his behalf. When someone asks you for prayer; do you pray with a fervent, diligent heart; or just a ‘quickie’ prayer?


Paul ends his appeal for prayers with a blessing for them: May our God of peace be with you all. Amen, (so be it). When we ask for prayer, do we give a blessing to those who pray for us? We should.

This chapter is a powerful reminder to us of the importance, need and power of God’s Word and of prayer. We are to share God’s Word and support one another CONTINUALLY in fervent, diligent, heart-felt, loving, caring prayers.

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Eugene & Eleanor Tarman

Gene and Eleanor Tarman founded Live Forever Ministry to share the love of Jesus through a highly effective and impactful method. Through classes, seminars, and small group studies, Live Forever Ministry is touching many thousands of lives around the world. Together, Gene and Eleanor have modeled and methodically taught others to live generously by being a blessing while making an impact in the lives of the world’s “working poor.” While serving on the board of Blessing Broker®, Gene and Eleanor have inspired our ministry to carry on the legacy which they have forged. Your gift today will be used to bless the “working poor” and to equip others to do the same. May the multiplication factor of Gene’s love and hard work echo through eternity, bless heaven, and glorify our King, Jesus!

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