Romans: Chapter 9

Expositional Commentary

Israel’s History ~ God’s Sovereignty

Paul now begins to deal with Jews relating to God’s promises and the Jew’s apostasy. We can almost hear the passion and anguish in his words. God always keeps His promises, even when the Jews, and we, do not. Chapter 9 deals with Israel’s past history and how they related to their Sovereign God; and how all this relates to us, as Gentile believers.


Paul assures us that he is speaking only the absolute Truth, witnessed by his own conscience and the Holy Spirit. (2.) He is writing with such grief and sorrow in his heart that he almost cannot communicate it. (3.) Paul confesses that he would sacrifice his own salvation and be accursed and sent to hell to save his fellow Jews; IF it were possible. However, it is never possible, because Paul, and we, can NEVER LOSE OUR SALVATION!


All Israelites, Jews, have been adopted as a nation, by God. They have experienced God’s Shekinah Glory. God has made unconditional covenants with them. He has also made conditional covenants with the Jews, and with us. The Law was given to show them their sins and convict their hearts to cause them to repent and turn to God. The Jews alone were given God’s very presence in His Temple. The Temple worship was to reveal God’s Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness. (5.) The Jews, through their Patriarchs, were promised that their Messiah, Jesus Christ, would come through the line of Judah. Jesus is exalted and supreme over everything and everyone. Paul is giving them, and us, a brief, yet powerful summary of the History of the Jewish people regarding their promised Messiah.


BUT, despite all the blessings, promises, miracles and entire history of God’s dealings with the Jewish Nation, most Jews had rejected following God, and had therefore rejected their Messiah. Yet, despite their rejection, God’s Word has never failed. Not everyone who is a physical descendant of Abraham and Isaac are true Israelites. Notice Paul points out that even though their DNA physically qualifies the Jews as being from the line of Israel; yet something else, true faith, is required to be a true spiritual Israelite. (7.) He clarifies this by stating that not all those who are blood descendants of Abraham are true Jews. Paul then quotes Genesis 21:12, clearly showing that Isaac, and his line, were chosen by God as Abraham’s true descendants. Remember Esau turned from God, and his descendants are not true followers of God, despite what Islam claims.


Paul continues to clarify what constitutes true children of God; not just their DNA heritage, but those to whom God’s promise applies are the true children of Abraham. Does His promise apply to you? What faith choices have you made to ensure His promises are for you?


Now Paul carefully outlines some of the key promises God made, and has already fulfilled, regarding the Jewish people. God’s Word is always true. God foretold that Sarah would have a son, by Abraham. The reference is to Genesis 18:10, 14, when God foretold Abraham that his 90-year-old wife would bear him a son the very next year. (10.) Next, Paul continues to quote Genesis to remind the Jews that God foretold that Rebecca, Isaac’s wife, would have twin boys. (10.) Rebecca conceived two sons, by Isaac, under the exact same circumstances.


Before the sons were born, God had His purpose in mind for both sons. So, before the sons had actually done anything good or evil, God knew the purpose and plans He had for them. These baby boys, before they were even born, were destined by God, to fulfill His promises. (12.) Paul quotes Genesis 25:23; The elder son would serve the younger; the older son, Esau, would one day be under the authority, or subservient to, his younger brother, Jacob. (13.) God said, ‘Jacob have I loved but Esau have I held in disregard.’ Why? See Malachi 1:2, 3. Because God knew in advance that Esau would despise his birthright and not follow God; and that Jacob, with all his flaws, would eventually choose to follow God with all his heart and soul.


It appears, on the surface, that God is unjust and unfair; is this possible? Absolutely not! (15.) God even tells Moses that He will have mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy; and He will have compassion on whomever He selects. Yet, God can see and knows the end result of each life before we make our choices, and He graciously gives us His mercy and Grace. (16.) So then, God’s Gift is not a question of human will and efforts, but of God’s mercy. So even our decision to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our very faith, is God’s Gift to us. Beware of EVER taking any credit for your own salvation; it is ALWAYS the Mercy and Grace of God that brought you to become a Believer. Yet, aren’t you thankful and glad that God chose you?


God’s Word tells us Pharaoh was raised up to power for the purpose of displaying God’s power in dealing with him, the Egyptians, and all of Israel; so that God’s Name would be proclaimed the whole world over. We must remember that God is using those in power for His purposes; even though we may not see or understand the outcome, we MUST trust Him!


God has mercy on whomever He chooses and He hardens or makes stubborn and unyielding, the heart of whomever He wills. God’s Election is perfect because He knows who would receive His Mercy and Grace and who would reject it before you even act! (19.) So you and I say, why does God find fault, and blame me for sinning? For who on earth can resist God’s will? It almost seems that we are foreordained to become Believers, or remain in sin and be destined to hell. Yet, remember, we ALWAYS have Free will and Free choice!


Yet, who are we, mere human beings, to criticize and contradict and answer back to God?! God made you with a specific purpose, so how can you demand of Him, why did you make me like this? Then Paul gives a simple explanation, reminding them that the potter takes the clay and uses one lump to make a beautiful vessel for beauty and honor and makes another vessel for menial or dishonorable use. The potter has the right to choose what type and kind of vessel he will make.


What if, God, fully intending to show His wrath, and to make known His power and authority, has tolerated with much patience, the vessels of His anger which are ready for destruction? (23.) And what if He thus purposes to make known and show the wealth of His glory in dealing with the vessels of His mercy which He has prepared beforehand for glory; (24.) This would even include us, whom He has called, not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles. Thus, everyone He creates has the opportunity to choose to obey God and accept His promises into their own life.


Just as He says in Hosea, 2:23 and 1:10: Those who were not My people I will call My people, and her who was not beloved, I will call My beloved. (26.) And it shall be that in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people’, they shall be called sons of the living God.


And Isaiah solemnly cries aloud over Israel with this Prophecy: Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, only a small remnant will be saved from condemnation and judgment. Isaiah 10:22, 23; Romans 11:5. (28.) For the Lord will execute His sentence upon the earth, rigorously cutting it short in His justice. Isaiah 28:22. (29.) It is as Isaiah predicted, If the Lord of Hosts had not left us a seed, referring to the ‘seed of promise’, we all would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah, utterly destroyed!


So now what can we say? That Gentiles who have not pursued righteousness, have now attained righteousness based on faith alone. (31.) BUT Israel, through a ‘religion of the law’ which pointed to righteous living; failed miserably in fulfilling the law of righteousness.
Most religions portray God as harsh and impersonal. All non-Christian religions teach that man must try to reconcile themselves to God through ‘works’ to ‘earn’ righteousness and a right relationship with God; and/or appease God. It can NEVER, NEVER be done. Only God can give mercy and grace, leading to true Faith, Faith is given by God alone; and this Faith, through the power of the Holy Spirit, leads us to righteousness and salvation.


So what happened? why did Israel fail? Because they pursued the law without faith, relying instead on the merit of their own works. No one, not one single person, can EVER attain righteous living on their own merit. (33.) Jews have stumbled over the Stumbling Stone; the Rock which is Jesus. God foretold that He would lay in Zion a Stone, or Rock, that will cause men to stumble and fall. Yet anyone who believes in Him and trusts in and relies on Him, shall never be put to shame. Those who completely and totally give their entire being; heart, soul and mind, to God, will be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus, our true righteousness. We have God’s word on it!

Jesus has shown them that false works could never save them; only Jesus gives true righteousness through Faith. We must choose to respond to God with True Faith. Israel failed, even though they had assurances from God! Can we fail, even though we have assurances from God? Evidently so! This is a serious wake-up call to us. We must continually pray to guard against relying on self and rely only on Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Eugene & Eleanor Tarman

Gene and Eleanor Tarman founded Live Forever Ministry to share the love of Jesus through a highly effective and impactful method. Through classes, seminars, and small group studies, Live Forever Ministry is touching many thousands of lives around the world. Together, Gene and Eleanor have modeled and methodically taught others to live generously by being a blessing while making an impact in the lives of the world’s “working poor.” While serving on the board of Blessing Broker®, Gene and Eleanor have inspired our ministry to carry on the legacy which they have forged. Your gift today will be used to bless the “working poor” and to equip others to do the same. May the multiplication factor of Gene’s love and hard work echo through eternity, bless heaven, and glorify our King, Jesus!

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