Podcast introduction:
Welcome to the Blessing Broker podcast, this is David and Denise and we’re so glad that you joined us today. We’re very excited to be visiting with Stuart and Chantal in Israel, for over 25 years they’ve been loving on the holocaust survivors with great stewardship over the gifts that God’s provided them to share.
As a result of the love and genuine compassion that they have, Stuart and Chantal have shared and led many victims of horrible human atrocities into the deep eternal love of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, or as they say, Yeshua Hamashiach. We hope you’ll enjoy and be inspired as we play a few highlights from our visit, put on your boots, and march forward with us as we B.L.E.S.S.
- Believe God and His promises.
- Lifting up each other by giving living water and clean water by digging wells and providing life straws.
- Equipping the church to participate in serving in your own community where you are and have the opportunity to participate in.
- Serving around the world.
- Sending others out to be missionaries on short-term trips.
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