More Than Words
Have you ever experienced a deep, soul-piercing pain, one that seems to come directly from the Lord, striking at the core of your being, in the most vulnerable and sensitive area of your life?
Neither the devil, sin, nor human emotions can reach this place—only the Word of God can. Consider Peter, who was deeply troubled when Jesus asked him, “Do you love Me?” for the third time. In that moment, Peter was confronted with the truth of his devotion to Jesus at the very center of his life. He began to understand the profound significance of Jesus’ patient questioning. No longer did Peter doubt or question his love for Christ. There was no need for a dramatic display or passionate words. In that quiet realization, Peter simply responded,
“Lord, You know all things…”
Peter’s heart was opened to the depth of his love for Jesus. There was no need to offer proof through actions or emotions. Peter came to see that his love for Christ was so profound, his focus so fixed on Jesus, that nothing else—no one else—mattered, not even in heaven or on earth. But it was only through the Lord’s probing, sometimes painful questions that Peter came to realize this truth about himself.
How remarkable it is, the way Jesus skillfully and patiently worked with Peter! Our Lord never asks questions until the perfect moment. Perhaps once in each of our lives, He will bring us to a place where we are cornered by His piercing questions. In those moments, we come to realize just how deeply we love Him—beyond what words could ever express.
(Adopted and adapted from Oswald Chambers)
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