Bless Through Our Special Projects

Blessing Broker partners with individuals and nonprofits to initiate, oversee and report on kingdom investments relative to special projects providing aid and clean water in Israel and other nations for children, the working poor, and underprivileged.

Ministry to Palestinians in Gaza

We are compelled by the words of our Savior, to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Bible says, “Do not…

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Bomb Shelters to High-Risk Communities in Israel

In some communities in Israel, people only have 15 seconds to find a bomb shelter before a rocket hits. Some…

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Blessing Bags

Blessing Bags* are prepared for impact wherever you go. Share the love of God with the Homeless, a friend in…

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Gene Tarman – Live Forever Ministry

Gene and Eleanor Tarman founded Live Forever Ministry to share the love of Jesus through a highly effective and impactful…

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COVID-19 | Special Project in Israel

As you wash your hands during this Coronavirus outbreak…consider how YOU can wash others’ feet through and their COVID-19…

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Christmas Care Packs

Sponsor Christmas Care Packs and share the love of Christ with the youngest members of our persecuted Christian family. The…

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Short-Term Mission – Emily Parks

Dear Friends and Family, I want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to me. During…

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Supporting Aliyah – Brandon & Sheri

Aliyah – pronounced uh-LEE-uh – The immigration of Jews to Israel, either as individuals or in groups. This is what…

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Ongoing Projects



Providing Bibles and resources for churches in Israel and around the world.


Living Water

Partnering with organizations that have the ability, but limited resources to provide for the world’s most needy.



Partnering with publishers and organizations to provide material to start-up churches and missionaries in Israel.



Providing resources through teams in Israel to aid Holocaust survivors, food banks, and low-income neighborhoods.



Help us to provide scholarship funds for individual short-term mission trips to Israel and other strategic locations.

Increase Your Impact

Blessing Broker® ensures that 100% of your designated donation goes towards impacting Israel and the persecuted church in the name of Jesus.